Historic Status Is Sought for Closed Culver City Ice Arena

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Tai Babilonia and Bill White


Culver Ice Foundation
P.O. Box 1456
Culver City, CA 90232-1456
April 21, 2014
Ms. Marla Koosed, Chair
Regina Klein, Vice Chair
Michelle Bernardin, Commissioner
John B. Williams, Commissioner
Cultural Affairs Commission

City of Culver City
9770 Culver Boulevard
Culver City, CA 90232

Re: Nomination of Culver City Ice Arena for “Significant” historic preservation status
Dear Cultural Affairs Commission:
We are writing in support of the nomination and designation of the Culver City Ice Arena for “significant” historic preservation status by Culver City. We support, in full, the conclusion and findings of the April 15 report prepared for Culver City by the Architectural Resources Group, Inc. (ARG).
We are pleased that the ARG “study” concluded that the historic rink “is eligible for listing as a Culver City Cultural Resource at the ‘significant’ level. It also appears to be eligible for the California Register of Historic Places.” We encourage the Cultural Affairs Commission to support the conclusions of the ARG report and recommend to the City Council that the ice rink receive the designation of “significant” Culver City Cultural Resource.
We want to thank Mr. Kevin Healy for submitting to the city the historic designation application. We also want to extend our thanks to the Architectural Resources Group for their excellent work in preparing the report. In addition, we want to thank city staff, especially Christine Byers, Historic Preservation Coordinator, and Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director, for their work in moving this important historic nomination designation for the Commission’s consideration.
We look forward to the continued movement forward of the historic designation process for the ice rink. We appreciate very much the work of the Cultural Affairs Commission in designating to the iconic and much loved Culver City Ice Rink its rightful status as a significant historic ice rink that has brought meaningful recreational opportunities for the children and adults who love the sport of ice skating in Culver City.
We want to thank each of you for your service on the Commission to benefit the community. 
Ms. Babilonia is chairwoman and Mr. White is President and CEO of the Culver Ice Foundation. They may be contacted at
www.culvericefoundation.org and Facebook.com/culvericefoundation