Why It Is Critical to Cast Council Votes Tomorrow

Letters to the EditorLetters

By John L. Heyl

I have hopes that the turnout for Tuesday's election in Culver City will better represent our community. 

Generations of men and women, like those who serve our country today, have given their best to provide us with the right to vote. Honor their service. Take part in the process.
Mayor Jeff Cooper and City Councilmember Jim Clarke have served our community during what can be considered some of the most financially challenging times in recent history. 

I have found them both to be accessible and willing to address my personal agenda about safety in our residential neighborhoods that is being threatened by business incursion parking, and pass-through vehicular traffic that shows the worst characteristics of today's scofflaws. 

I have seen many changes in Culver City since my family moved here in 1973, not all for the best. So our City Council will continue to have challenges in the future.  The grey fog from the pyrotechnics at the Helms Field dedication that rolled past my home towards Overland Avenue demonstrated to me how valid the recent City Council concerns about properly decommissioning the Culver Ice Arena were. 

I hope you will join me in supporting Mr. Cooper and Mr. Clarke by voting for their re-election.

However, whatever you do… take part in the democratic process that so many have given their lives to provide.

Mr. Heyl may be contacted at john_heyl@sbcglobal.net