‘Another Reason to Vote No on Measure CC’

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Michael Milligan

Re “Putting the School Bond Debt into Perspective”

From his March 17 response to George Laase, Mr. Paul Ehrlich wants you to remember one number: 25 cents a day.  Mr. Ehrlich italicized it to make sure you don't forget it. 

I would like for everyone to remember another number:  $10,950.  Yes, it's the same number.  That's how much will be added to your family's property tax bill, to fund Measure CC.  Using Mr. Ehrlich's own method, this is how it is figured:  “25 cents a day” x  365 x 30 years x 4 people per household. 

If you consider there are more than four people in an average family residence, the burden is likely to be much higher.

Regardless of the merits (or lack thereof) offered by this massive new tax, I find this attempt to conceal the true cost of Measure CC to be disingenuous.  If numbers are to be manipulated in such a way, why not go even further and say “less than one penny per hour”?  And no, it doesn't take a math major to figure it out.

When someone tries to deceive me into forking over an extra 10 grand on top of everything I already have to pay, I can't help but wonder how much else they are trying to hide.

John Derevlany, the number you are looking for is at least $10,950.  You did not “choose to not believe it,” as someone stated.  They chose to conceal it from you.

Another reason to vote a big “No” on Measure CC.

Mr. Milligan may be contacted at vector123@sbcglobal.net