Litvak ‘Seems to be in a Tough Spot’

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Ira Newlander

Re “Would There Have Been Time to Evacuate Apartments Next to Arena”

I claim no particular expertise on the subject of the Culver City Ice Area other than as an occasional recreational skater — and as a court reporter who has listened to attorneys, off and on, since 1975.

This poor guy (Bill Litvak, City Hall’s hired attorney) seems to be in a tough spot. 

His statement seems to attack the messenger for asking questions rather than merely reporting on the answers. 

If he thinks a narrative question — albeit one that expresses a viewpoint — is beyond the scope of journalism, he should guess again. 

I am reminded of Al Gore's “no controlling legal authority.” 

Thomas Jefferson said, “Resort is had to ridicule only when reason is against us.”

Assuming you have quoted Mr. Litvak accurately, his statement/s seem, well, bizarre.

Unreal.  Thanks for sticking with this story.

Mr. Newlander may be contacted at

From Ari Noonan: One of our favorite retired politicians says of the latest Ice Arena story, “A better question to have asked Mr. Litvak would have been, ‘If all the people in the apartments evacuated at the same time, would there have been enough water pressure?”