Comparing Keystone Cops with City Hall Figures

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Lee Newlander

Re “City Hall and Truth _ Are They Headed for Divorce Court?”

Good essay this morning on City Hall. The thing about truth is, the story doesn't have to be maintained, just shared.

Anyhow, to the City Manager and deputy, the Fire Chief and City Atty.

As I approach retirement as a court reporter – my clients and matters have included Latham & Watkins on the Staples Center, Getty Villa, and Playa Vista projects – I have been an off-and-on skater at Culver City Ice Arena since the 1960s. Last year I bought a new pair of hockey skates there, and have enjoyed the senior discount.

Taking all of that together, what is going on there seems like an episode in governance staged by the Keystone Cops.

The folks in Bell recently learned the hard way that secrets cannot stay secreted. 

There was a time I thought the only option to preserve skating was the AEG/Kings track.  If that is not so, and the family can stay in the driver's seat, then fine. But what is clear is that hidden machinations to steer things toward a new owner or tenant do not serve community interests.

Culver City's identity and tradition include the movie business, and the skating arena, among other things.  I pray that the only foul odor anybody has to deal with from your town is that allegedly, temporarily, coming from ammonia.

Please work on your city's public face by tidying up the appearances.  Thus far, it is, well, pretty disappointing.