Taxpayers to the Rescue – Again – for the Ice Arena?

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Gary Abrams

The City Council seals the fate of the Ice Arena with pre-contrived taxpayer-funded toxic cleanup loan/grant.

The city will monitor the toxic clean-up site to protect its citizens. If the developers cannot afford to do it according to the codes, we will step in and handle of the cost with taxpayers dollars for them.  They can then repay us later, similar to the deal we made at 4043 Irving Pl.

Rock-climbing/yoga due next to go onto the old Ice Arena property at $68,000. monthly rent. The lights are on, but no one is home.

Five years ago I sat in the audience similar to Monday night’s Council meeting crowd. Future Councilwoman Megan Sahli-Wells and I believe community activist Cary Anderson were present.

Mayor Jeff Cooper was a freshman Councilman.

This was the last of the meetings to approve the taxpayers’ $6 million loan/grant to a private party housing development project at 4043 Irving Pl., called Culver Villas.

In exchange the developer would have to reserve three low- and nine moderate-income apartments.

These apartments would be reserved only for those employed by the city, School District, Fire and Police Depts. Moderate income? Maybe Low income? I don’t think so. Over one thousand regular people need not apply.

Two weeks before this final one, there was a hastily announced notice given on Friday for a Monday meeting (legal two days) on the $6 million proposal.

Our crowd showed up in force, which must have shocked the Council into proposing to postpone the vote for the next meeting. Only Mr. Cooper dissented.

Citizens vs. $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Final results the same.  Another one bites the dust.

Hope you all are registered to vote. Hang onto your mail-in ballots.

It is going to be a bumpy ride.

Mr. Abrams, a candidate for the City Council, may be contacted at