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She is not your father’s Dave LaRose or Josh Arnold. Or even Patti Jaffe.
She is straight ahead.
She is Leslie Lockhart, 4½ months into what figures to be a long, productive tenure as superintendent of the School District.
Straight ahead.
No ducking.
During her most recent interview, Ms. Lockhart went eye-to-eye with her interrogator throughout every response.
Confronted with awkward/tough questions, her focus never varied. Neither did her language.
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Receive a full bullseye answer.
Straight ahead.
Although the School District administration has resembled North Korea several times in this century, hardly any o blowups rivaled the blazing feelings that threatened to burn down the building when Dr. Arnold abruptly was dropkicked out of his Culver City chair by the School Board late one June evening.
Ain’t no soft, spongy personalities on the Board.
Dr. Arnold was firm and clear.
Only one side had ammunition.
Four and a half months later, shots still are being fired across the School District world.
Most side – bitterly — with Dr. Arnold who was open-faced, congenial and axed all in the same day.
The abruptness stunned many parents. They remain shocked and disappointed not to mention upset.
The resolute School Board had not dropped hints, just booting Dr. Arnold through the nearest window.
Into this anti-bomb shelter stepped the popular Ms, Lockhart.
Her easily accessible personality, buttressed by 19 years of wide experience across the School District, made her the model choice.
Her assignment:
Defuse and produce.
Her direction:
Straight ahead.