Libbies cannot make up their bigoted little minds.
Is same preferable? Or is opposite more desirable?
Several years ago, gun-toting libby bullies told the world, “Accept gay marriage or be branded a racist, and we will kill you.”
A terrified, intimidated world made gay love legal for the first time in the history of the planet. Men talk about their husbands, women about their wives.
Same is best. Yahoo for same-sex stuff. Remember that.
Opposite was bad because whomever was the libby version of G-d at that moment had ruled that same was king.
For a lightning moment.
A few minutes ago, a race-obsessed — not necessarily a racist – professor (naturally) rode into town on a pinto pony – and you know what colors a pinto is
Wearing classy sunglasses, the professor pretended not to notice that on every campus in Los Angeles, black students were hanging with fellow blacks, white sticking with whites, Latins with Latins, gay boys with gay boys.
So what’s to study, pal?
Time to rewrite the libby bible.
The secular god changed his libby mind.
As recently as yesterday, the libby-loving Los Angeles Times hailed – with, ahem, a straight mug – the news that USC has just hired, whoopee, a team yet of racists — or diversity experts, whatever that means.
As of July, a handsome young hirsute-challenged black man, Shaun R. Harper, founder of Penn’s Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education, magically will morph into Shaun R. Harper, professor and founder of the USC Race and Equity Center.
Do we mourn, celebrate or shudder?
Mazel tov to Shaun R. on the nationwide gig he has cooked up.
Shaun R., who evidently doffed his blinders for the Times cameraman, probably has been too busy promoting (?) or x-raying the scant available samples of racism to note that if you are academically dedicated, foregoing skateboards and other little-boy recreation, you, too, can be a scholar. Racism is nonexistent for serious students. Ask any Asian boy or girl I know.
Shaun R., evidently gunning to be the race champ of the little world of race-centric libbies, says SC is a lib’s secular notion of heaven.
He said that all over America the Racially Beautiful, a ton of leftist profs are studying (not necessarily practicing) racism. With the birth of the new academic center at SC, many of the race-studying mavens will be under the same roof, enabling stronger research into perceived racism.
What is a diversity expert?
Yet another convoluted contraption thought up by angry, underworked leftist scholars poring over reams of perceived racism – to what end?
One Comment on ““Racism Here, Racism There, Racism Everywhere””
“Several years ago, gun-toting libby bullies told the world, ‘Accept gay marriage or be branded a racist, and we will kill you.’ A terrified, intimidated world made gay love legal for the first time in the history of the planet. Men talk about their husbands, women about their wives. Same is best. Yahoo for same-sex stuff. Remember that. Opposite was bad because whomever was the libby version of G-d at that moment had ruled that same was king.”
Typically, he among us who is most bigoted and hateful will require a narrative of victimhood and oppression in order to justify his prejudices. And when the actual, three-dimensional world has failed to provide him with legitimate oppression against which to react, he’ll just invent some and go with that. It’s a very human thing. It’s sad, but it is human.