As if today’s rainstorm secretly had been plotted and planned by undercover meteorologists on a sunny day in the war year of 1944, the crowd of suckers known as Hillary Hopers wants naïve Americans to swallow the nonsense that Russia swayed the election from Sneaks Clinton to Donald J. Trump.
Like unhealthy fish who have overimbibed, liberals have been flailing in shallow waters the past two months, desperately seeking a blamer for the stunning pillory of Hillary.
Sure she was incompetent and radically dishonest, but libs don’t admit to such faults.
Distract-and-destroy has been a primary lib tactic for generations, coming to full flower with the slick spanking of pilloried Hillary.
“There are no modern precedents to the scandalous attempts to smear and undermine the president-elect,” Michael Goodwin essayed in Sunday’s New York Post.
“The voter-nullification plot is growing more vile” nine weeks after Mr. Trump’s clear-cut victory, and now a scant 11 days before his inauguration.
“It began when the Clinton campaign and her donors tried to overturn results in key states, then tried to steal the election outright by intimidating electors of the Electoral College,” which lobbies thought was just dandy until pilloried Hillary was skunk-sprayed by smart voters.
The supposed crowning joke of all by enraged libs was unveiling the long-reported Russian plot to swing the election from Mr. Trump to the latest Clinton cheater.
“Russian plot, Russian plot,” uncomplicated liberals have been crying out to their sycophantic cohorts in the media since Nov. 8½.
Trouble was, the wailing libs have no evidence of a plot. Not a single straw strand of proof. Since truth is not a liberal value, they confess there is no evidence in one paragraph – as the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times did yesterday – then boldly proclaim in the next paragraph that there was a Russian plot.
You remember the bromide about repeating a lie often enough. That is what libs are counting on to illegally derail the quite legal Mr. Trump. Ah, envy. Isn’t it tasty?
One Comment on ““Ask a Lib to Say ‘We Are No. 2’””
““There are no modern precedents to the scandalous attempts to smear and undermine the president-elect…”
…says the supporter of the man who spent literally 8 full years publicly declaring the current president to be a foreign usurper from Africa. Geez, yeah, no modern precedents! Cannot think of a one!
In any event, I gotta say, I am so happy that only 13.9% of my fellow Culver City voters cast a ballot for this man and his odious agenda. 13.9%! That’s roughly the approval rate of Syphilitic Blindness!
In this specific stomach-turning time, I feel blessed and proud to raise my children in a town where they can know that– while being a xenophobic demagogue may garner the support of a sad narrow majority of the electoral college– it is utterly unacceptable to all but 13.9% of the residents of their own home town.
Culver City, I love you!