How Do We Know When They Are Serious?

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

President Bush
President Bush

The immature boys and girls who form the power structure of the American Left — the main media mouths at The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, CNN and MSNBC — are stepping up their trademark merciless mockery with Inauguration Day a scant fortnight away.

In the tradition of socialism, they seek to divide our country, and they are doing a beautiful job of lining up the yahoo kids on one side against the President-elect and normal people on the other.

Today’s favorite targets by the insecure, insincere, congenitally envious boys and girls on the left are President-elect Trump’s (appropriately) skeptical remarks on the intelligence community — and the background of prospective attorney general, Sen. Jeff Sessions.

The most common birthmarks scarring leftists’ bodies are an absence of memory prior to yesterday and a fawning faux love for democracy — when they are on the losing side.

The sexy but so-far hollow Russian hacking scandal increasingly looks phony. In the tradition of Democrats, it is about creating a distraction.

The case is falling apart faster than a leftist forced to acknowledge the truth.

A dozen years after American leftists were ordered by their minders to mock President Bush for citing hidden weapons of mass destruction as his justification for going to war against Iraq (“Bush Lied, People Died”), the leftist kiddies are throwing another tantrum.

The sissies are spanking Mr. Trump every day for daring to challenge the presumed – but far from proven — “conclusion” of all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia tilted our Nov. 8 election.

Not one feather of proof has surfaced.

Doesn’t matter to the merciless mockers of the left.

Making fun of people is what they do instead of thinking and working for a living.

They argue that all 16 intelligence agencies concur that Mr. Putin’s government interfered with our election. “Take our words on faith,” say leftists, “until the proofs can be revealed.”

Yeah, sure.

These are the same dishonest people who were on the other side a dozen years ago.

Every day in the media, the dominant leftists burned President Bush for taking the word of all 16 intelligence agencies that Hussein (the dictator, not the American president) had weapons of mass destruction.

How do we know when to believe them?

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