Truman’s Courage, Obama’s Lack of Courage

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

President Truman
President Truman

Like an angry husband grabbing a treasured object on his way out of the house after his wife announces she has filed for divorce, President Obama, on his reluctant, slow-walking way out the door, tightly sealed his reputation as an anti-Semite last week at the United Nations.

His order to join 14 of the world’s most virulent Jew-bashing governments in unanimously punishing Israel for building outpost homes, which enemies call settlements, caps eight years of spitting in Jerusalem’s eye.

The dominant liberal media, seeking to soften the ugly, calculated thud that irreversibly scars Mr. Obama’s reputation as a Jew-hater, cast the U.S.’s abstention merely as the latest affront in a trumped-up dispute with Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.


Mr. Obama’s fearfully uncriticized Muslim sympathies never have permitted him to objectively judge Israel.

As the most anti-Israel president since statehood was declared in May 1948, Mr. Obama, not surprisingly, has not lost a penny of political capital. The overwhelming majority of American Jews are secular. The outpost homes in Israel are no more important to them than one peanut in a cellophane bag. And they hate peanuts.

Secular Jews are as robotically Democrat as blacks and Latinos.

Only American religious Jews care about the outpost homes. They do not have a discernible voice in Washington.

Were it not for the moral courage of a more democratic Democrat president, the Jewish state might not exist. Sixty-nine years ago, Harry Truman cast the decisive United Nations vote that would convert historic Palestine, sole home of the Jews since Mt. Sinai, into internationally recognized statehood.

Courage? you ask.

Indeed. At home, his wife Bess vowed no Jew ever would enter her home.

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