Paging a Spewer of Hate

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

Ms. Page

Painstakingly matronly, Susie Page, the daffy leftist Washington correspondent for the embarrassingly leftist USA Today, has a habit of walking in concentric circles in a small, vacant room, sloppily muttering “I am obsessed. I hate Donald Trump, and I can’t control myself.”

Impressed colleagues lavishly applaud her originality.

Looking as if she had just emerged from a drunken frat party with blind college boys, 65-year-old Susie dashed off a piece for this morning’s cover page that thrilled the left’s standing army of professional victims who sneak down alleys painting swastikas, signing the president-elect’s name.

Keep in mind that Mr. Trump won’t take office for more than 50 days. Media whores like Susie are exploding with the anger they built up during the intellectually hollow Obama years when they were not allowed to criticize him because he is black.

Under the screaming headline at the top of the page – “3 WEEKS, 3 LESSONS,” all in capital letters, Susie, boiling mad, lambasted Mr. Trump for three admirably objective reasons:

  • “He is the first Twitter president.”
  • “His loyalty has limits” because he refuses to give jobs to every one of the Republicans who spoke critically of him.
  • It is audacious of him to belong to “a brotherhood of billionaires” instead of giving it to leftists allergic to work.

You would think that since the country is about to be rid of its most inept president since Bill Henry Harrison in 1841, Susie and her hysterical leftist pals would breathe relief.

Whatever happened to objective journalism?

It only is practiced by the right.

The loopy conspiracy boys on the left are too busy spewing racist words, dividing people by ethnicity and collecting welfare checks.  They blame their aberrant proclivities on normal people.

You go, girl.

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