Wyant First to Announce for ’18 Race

Ari L. NoonanNews3 Comments

Mr. Wyant and wife Leslie Spanier-Wyant, seal their bond on Election Night at Rush Street

Scott Wyant’s opening strategy for the two-seat City Council race in 2018 already is locked in:

“I will concentrate my attention,” Mr. Wyant said, “on those places where people didn’t vote for me. I want to find out from them why.

“I will ask them, ‘What did I do or not do two years ago that you think I should fix?’”

This morning’s news is that Mr. Wyant, a technology pioneer/entrepreneur, formally has decided to compete again in ’18.

“In the past week, I have received an amazing number of sweet messages from people, and from some very unexpected places, encouraging me to run again,” said Mr. Wyant, who placed fifth, about 500 votes out of the money.

Consulting his wife of 30 years, Leslie Spanier-Wyant, “I expected her to say no. Instead, she was very encouraging. She said ‘I think you should.’

“Having her encouragement matters more than anything.”

Together since 1974 (“we had a long engagement”), they married 12 years later.

And so Mr. Wyant is the first to announce for ’18.

“I am very happy about this,” he said. He did not have to convince his audience.

The second-term Planning Commissioner loved campaigning.

“More than I can tell you, I enjoyed walking around, knocking on doors and saying ‘Hello, I am Scott. What can I do for you?’”

3 Comments on “Wyant First to Announce for ’18 Race”

  1. Patrick Meighan

    “I will ask them, ‘What did I do or not do two years ago that you think I should fix?’”

    Speaking just for myself, I suggest you distance yourself from the Chamber of Commerce. I might very well vote for you.

    Good luck in your run!

  2. George Laase

    If, by starting his new campaign this early on, Scott is going to try and energize the other 76% of the electorate to come out and vote in the next election, then I say more power to him.

    But, if he is just going to talk himself up to local voters for the next two years, then, he will be walking a political tight-rope between turning voters off by over-campaigning and remaining a fresh voice when the next election comes around in 2017.

  3. Molly Wasserman

    I wonder if his stated goal will affect every decision he makes until he is termed out in June 2017, If he plans on actively campaigning now, he might consider stepping down to avoid negative impressions.

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