Why Dr. Kent Became a Neuroscientist

Ari L. NoonanNews2 Comments

Dr. Kent

Last in a series. 

As the first neuroscientist in the history of Culver City to run for the School Board, Prof. Kelly Kent, a candidate in tomorrow’s election, was asked why she chose that field.

“I fell into it so fortunately,” she said. “I got a lab job out of college that was removing cornea from cadavers for transplants.

“I really liked the job, and I worked there for a year.”

There were perspiration moments, though. “Two things made it uncomfortable,” Dr. Kent said.

“One, I had to ask families for permission in their moment of grief. That was difficult.

“Two, I worked on Wall Street proper, and Sept. 11 happened while I was there.

“I did have the experience of having to run from falling buildings. That was traumatic. I left the job shortly after that.”

How did Sept. 11 affect Dr. Kent’s subsequent life?

“In every single way you could possibly imagine, including who I have married and where I live,” she said. “It has been an immense influence on me.”

Returning to her career choice of neuroscience, Dr. Kent, the mother of two and a prominent parent at Lin Howe Elementary, said that “I needed a new job. I liked research, and I found a position at Columbia.”

Her fondness for research was not new.  “I had started as an undergrad,” she said. “I had a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology. So it was not uncharted territory. I had worked in labs before. You had to do that to get a Bachelor of Science.”

The appeal of research, says the methodical Dr. Kent, who did it for a decade, “is that it is proscribed. You write out a set of step-by-step instructions, and you follow them. It works or it doesn’t. You go back and you modify one step at a time and see if it works. You go back, and you modify again.

“It is very methodical, systematic. I appreciated that.

“I was kind of a math and science type. So I appreciated the rigidity,” Dr. Kent said.

2 Comments on “Why Dr. Kent Became a Neuroscientist”

  1. Carlene Brown

    This information gives me even more reasons to trust my passionate support for Kelly Kent. Her scientific, methodical approach to solving problems will be of immense value to the Culver City School Board. Hope this article helps to silence the voices that insist she is unfit to serve on the school board because she lacks experience.

  2. Patrick Meighan

    Just cast my vote for Kelly, just now. Easiest vote I ever cast.

    One down, a few more thousand more to go, Dr. Kent!

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