Top Ten (Letterman) Reasons That Silbiger Lost Last Month

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Andrew Castle

Re “He Was Slated toLose His Second Term Bid,Karlo Says”

Slate politics had nothing to do with the results of the school board election. The results showed that the voting public preferred three candidates, Dr. Steve Levin, Kathy Paspalis and Sue Robins over Karlo Silbiger and his running mates.
As Karlo tries to justify to himself and others why he lost (thus far, we heard excuses about low turnout and slate politics), he might wish to look directly in the mirror.  In case that doesn’t work and stealing from David Letterman, here’s a Top Ten list of why Karlo Silbiger finished a distant fourth in the election.
1. Steve Levin is a superior candidate with children in the district, who ran a better campaign.

2. Kathy Paspalis is a superior candidate with children in the District, who ran a better campaign.

3. Sue Robins is a superior candidate with a child in the District, who taught in the District, and who ran a better campaign.

4. The Democratic Club endorsement doesn't carry the weight that it once did.

5. David Mielke and Debbie Hamme (union presidents) have alienated so many parents that the Teachers Union and the Classified union endorsements don't carry the weight that they once did.

6. Mr. Silbiger’s stance on the El Marino Language Immersion School adjunct issues, favoring unions over students, alienated much of the voting public. Ask Claudia Vizcarra.

7. Mr. Silbiger’s stance against athletics alienated much of the voting public.

8. Mr. Silbiger’s habit of delaying things that he was not in favor of while rushing those things that he proposed alienated much of the voting public.

9.  Mr. Silbiger’s approval of District funds to pay for a bond analysis, and then his speech used to delay placing the bond on the ballot alienated much of the voting public.

10.  Mr. Silbiger’s intimate relationship with the Teachers Union and the Classified employees union alienated much of the voting public.
We elect School Board members who are going to do what is best for the schools and for the children.  Mr. Silbiger seemed to be more interested in doing what is best for himself and the unions.  It comes as no surprise that Mr. Silbiger was destroyed in the election.
It seems like the public didn’t vote for a slate but instead voted for the three best candidates.  Karlo Silbiger wasn’t one of them.

Mr. Castle may be contacted at