Sew There Was This Group of Ladies, See

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Frances Talbott-White

Re “Crowd Was in Stitches. They Enjoyed More Than a Sew-Sew Time”

Thank you for the coverage of Monday evening's So-in Sew-in at City Hall. I may have “appeared to be the leader of the band,” but I was a casual attendee. It's just that I talk so much and get excited about needlework done with recycled materials.

Michelle Weiner and a woman named Kathy (sorry, I don't know her last name) deserve high praise for being the organizers and leaders. After your reporter left, Michelle, along with Disa Lindgren, went next door to thank the City Council on behalf of Transition Culver City for the Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban. They also invited the Councilmembers to stop by the Sew-in if they finished their business by 8 o’clock. Somehow, that didn't happen.

After your reporter left, a number of other people came in and seemed to enjoy and benefit from the event very much. These included several more men, at least one of whom took a turn at one of the three sewing machines, and a younger mother-daughter team. The daughter (not more than 11 years old, I'd guess) also took a turn at one of the sewing machines.

A very satisfactory and satisfying event. Thanks again for covering it.

Ms. Talbott-White may be contacted at