HBO has some really great shows.
Someone in my family really likes “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”
I have watched that show but, the “language” really turns me off. It really bothers me.
I know it's real life, sometimes, for people to talk the way they do in the show.
Don't I want “real life” shows? What's wrong with me?
Do I really want to watch “watered down” shows without the F-word, and about a dozen or so other words that are bleeped or excluded from regular network fare?
Perhaps I am “old fashioned.”
What's wrong with “private” TV, such as HBO, using the same language that the movies can use?
I don't consider myself a prude.
So what the heck is it?
Wait a minute — I've got it!
It's my HOME. Watching shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm in my home, I feel as though my home is being invaded by the characters — people with whom I do not share a common interest — namely, the excessive use of “foul language.” TV is a medium that I have so long associated with relative “politeness” in my house. Movies are different — I don't HAVE to show up at a public theatre.
So, when someone I live with sits through these language orgies, and I hear it through the door, it impinges on my private space.
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