As we all learned during the era of Police Chief Ted Cooke, there is hardly any crime in Culver City.
On those widely spaced occasions when a Culver City bad boy does follow his nature and violate the law, it can lead us to a fascinating cultural conclusion.
Last heard from, the Police Dept. reported that 75 percent of the bad guys it arrests are black or Latino.
Since blacks and Latinos come nowhere close to comprising three-quarters of Culver City’s population, kindly keep this juicy data under your hat.
Don’t even whisper the number to a trusted friend. It could leak all the way to Washington where Eric (I Do Not Have Rabbit Ears) Holder is getting ready to take office as the next U.S. Attorney General.
And we really don’t want this wild-eyed champion of the odious concept of drop-dead proportionality galloping into our town because the stench may never go away.
Behaving like a dogmatic liberal, Mr. Holder believes that a community’s arrest demographics should exactly correspond to population demographics.
Otherwise, he trumpets at every opportunity, a town’s cops are acting like redneck cowboys. Such departments, therefore, are guilty of “racial profiling,” and they must be punished.
Culver City’s Cultural Contribution
May I presume that the creative Mr. Cooke’s latest successor in the Chief’s chair, Don Pedersen, is holding a series of intense seminars this weekend?
Mr. Pedersen’s theme:
“Find more gosh-darned white guys. I don’t care if they haven’t done anything. You’ll think of a charge on the way back to the station. We need to balance our books fast — before Inauguration Day.”
Don’t laugh. Previously punished cops aren’t. This is not a joke but a product of doctrinal liberal philosophy. It holds that white guys have been in charge for too long, that women, all minorities and children have been discriminated against for too long.
This is what you get when thinking through perceived problems is supplanted by an emotional short-cut, complete reliance on statistics.
To say it differently, victimology, after an eight-year respite, is back in fashion.
Since about 80 percent of declared liberals consider themselves victims, it looks like a busy next four or eight years for the Gloria Allreds of America.
Welcome to the emotion-driven, victims to the right, victims to the left world of Barack Obama and his ilk.
These Are ‘Merit’ Badges?
Most liberals wear three badges of obsession. One is anger. Another is to randomly level vague, impossible-to-prove charges (e.g., “The Patriot Act has robbed me of my freedoms although, actually, I cannot identify any”).
The third is a flaming desire to correct a whole Coliseum full of perceived injustices.
When you see a community organization with “justice” in its name, duck. You know a liberal can’t be far away. You are liable to get clunked over the head by an underemployed, sign-wielding protestor who is vexed because more black cats rather blonde cats are being killed by Los Angeles County Animal Control.
“Disproportionate” is another favorite, always-handy canard of fervent left-wingers. (See their hourly hot-tongued criticism of the Israel-Gaza War, issued entirely because those dreaded Jews are winning.)
While Culver City cops are out buying masks this weekend at the newly opened Hamas Department Store so they can start arresting more white guys, Mr. Holder, bean-counter, will be poring over rap sheets from vulnerable towns around the country to determine where to begin his crackdown.
Here is how the National Review in November characterized Mr. Holder, the race-conscious White House lawyer who enabled President Clinton to make ill-starred pardons eight years ago this week:
Hopefully, some of this weekend’s misguided celebrants will interrupt their giddiness long enough to ponder what they have wrought.