I would like my fellow Jews — who, contrary to the commonest sense at their cultural disposal, support Barack Obama — to digest the following and then justify their stance:
Isn’t it ironic that next Friday morning, three safe days after America may elect its own King Hussein I, the king’s newsmaking good pal, Prof. Rashid Khalidi, will be a principal speaker at academic anti-Semitic orgy on the Columbia University campus?
Called “Orientalism from the Standpoint of Its Victims — An Edward Said Conference,” no self-respecting Jew who expects to survive another Shabbos in this world would dare draw near enough, even out of weird curiosity, to catch an odious whiff of the Jew-smashing that will romp across the grounds on Friday and Saturday.
Since this will be an academic gathering, it means that truthseekers will need to walk around with their windshield wipers pumping fulltime if they hope to plough through mounds of academically-sanctioned Jew hatred that is rife, not to mention lovingly embraced, on all Ivy League campuses.
Columbia is home base for Mr. Khalidi, a Jew-hating Arab — is that a superfluous formulation ?— who is treated as a “respected academic” now that his old boss Arafat has died.
Mr. Obama and his ilk gasp in feigned horror that anyone should criticize such a decent Palestinian terrorist enabler as Mr. Khalidi. Further, there is no evidence Mr. Obama disagrees even today in the slightest with Mr. Khalidi’s opinion expressed at the start of the Iraq War:
“This war will be fought because these neoconservatives desire to make the Middle East safe not for democracy, but for Israeli hegemony. They are convinced that the Middle East is irremediably hostile to both the United States and Israel; and they firmly hold the racist view that Middle Easterners understand only force. For these American Likudniks and their Israeli counterparts, sad to say, the tragedy of Sept. 11 was a godsend: It enabled them to draft the United States to help fight Israel’s enemies.”
Meanwhile, the purpose of the little hatefest Columbia will host next weekend is to see how many times these “respected academics” can whack Israel and its Jewish supporters without making their arms ache.
To be precise, here is Columbia’s cleaned-up definition of the Klan-type convention:
“The purpose of this conference is to revisit the imagined geographies that link the question of Palestine and the Jewish question to the broader phenomenon of Orientalism in its enduring, historical aspects as well as to treat 1948 as a world-event enabled and prepared by the history and structures of Orientalism.”
If you ever have lived in Orange County or San Diego County, the dominant cultural emotion is raging inferiority to Los Angeles, an exact analysis of how millions of Arabs view the non-Arab world, but most of all Jews.
Any discussion of public anti-Semitism should lead to the “academically respected” late foaming Jew-hater Edward Said, of whom it was said he despised Jews more than he loved his own people, a not uncommon chord. He maintained that “Orientalism” was a historic concept that taught Arabs were inferior to Europeans, and were treated accordingly in the West. Mr. Said traveled back and forth between Arafat’s filthy lair and this country, serving as a “respected” liaison/voice for advancing support for Arab terrorism and alleged Arab victimization by Israel.
He was able to get away with this scam because for nearly a century, university faculties have been safe hideouts for the most hateful men, and a few women, in America. How many times have you heard the bitingly cynical Mr. Obama say in this campaign that the low-lifes he has befriended are not racists or anti-Semites; they are — all together now — “respected academics.” I am indebted to the smart lawyers over at powerlineblog.com for this characterlogical insight into the touchy, very thin-skinned Mr. Obama:
“Barack Obama reminds me a bit of John Gotti. Obama is no murderer, of course, but here is the analogy: John Gotti (before his incarceration) was a well-dressed, genial, smooth-talking guy. Not a visible threat in sight. But if you crossed him, his thugs were very quickly at your door. Likewise with Barack Obama. He is always at pains to seem high-minded, but his tactics are anything but. If you cross him, his goons, too, are sure to retaliate, albeit in less deadly fashion than Gotti’s.”
As you know, Jews live in fear of Arabs. The reverse, quite obviously, is not true.
Sixty years after the land formerly known as Palestine legally was divided between Jews and Arabs, ginned-up, welfare-style Arabs still have not accepted the decision. To blantantly, clownishly remind the world of this, the leading Arab thugs of each succeeding generation have treated the meek, pathetic rank-and-file Arabs like beasts. They herd them into dog-style compounds, squalid buildings laughingly called “refugee camps,” to bolster their claim that they have been ousted from their “homeland” by Jews.
This prologue is to contextualize the current media/McCain flareup over the clumsy but so far successful attempt by the Los Angeles Times to hide a damning Khalidi-Obama video that, if revealed, would damage Mr. Obama’s election chances.
To paraphrase Mr. McCain, Mr. Obama has the intimidated media exactly where he wants them, quivering in fear of banishment from him if they do anything to harm his chances.