Given the low-flying kinds of persons the Democratic Party deliberately and historically recruits — they do not have to be breathing or American — I become instinctively suspicious of the underlying motives of Democrats who get instant religion about honest voting and clean voter registration whenever an Election Day looms.
Remember that it was their forefathers who birthed, nurtured and, by now, have perfected fraudulent voting as their novel contribution to the democracy canon. Even with that shadowy history, they only have been able to win one-third of Presidential elections since Lincoln (12 of 36). Throughout this year, Barack Obama goon squaders have fanned out across the country in the boldest, most massive unregulated “voter” registration campaign America ever has seen.
Obama goon squaders, amazingly organized, and their deputies, such as the regrettable Acorn organization, make periodic sweeps of trashy neighborhoods, like the mission district downtown, to bulk up the Democratic “voter” rolls. Some “names” are of the living. Some are dead. Some never existed.
Hey, man, it’s the numbers that matter, not the identities.
And When She Was Naughty…
You may have read this week of the legal flap the naughty Democratic secretary of state in Ohio is stirring up over her refusal to submit for verification likely fraudulent newly registered “voters” from the Acorn street people. This has been Acorn’s method of operation throughout its 38-year history. The difference this time is that the low-flying Democratic White House nominee has intimate ties with Acorn. As a hygenic tip, you would want to immediately wash after shaking hands with a member of Acorn.
Which reminds me that on Wednesday night at the Culver City Democratic Club meeting, for the second time in eight months, I listened to another borderline-bizarre voter fraud presentation by a strange liberal lady who sounds like the type to believe in ghosts. She certainly subscribes to a conspiracy theories, which qualifies her for the suspect list.
Judy Alter, a retired professor of “high-powered dance” at UCLA, as we described her last March, is around 70 years old. Someone that old surely should know better.
Remember what the astute Prof. Victor Davis Hanson said, prophetically, this summer: To be a supporter of, a sincere believer in, Mr. Obama, one either would have to be puerile or gullible.
My only doubt is whether Ms. Alter qualifies for one or both niches.
Here come the Martians, boys. Dash for cover before they unspool their polka dot tentacles.
As a bean-counter, Ms. Alter told the Democratic Club last March that after dedicating her life to fulltime investigation of fraudulent voting 4 1/2 years ago, she was delivering her 102nd talk on the subject.
She announced that anti-Democratic fraud is rampant. Given the questionable quality of the persons who historically have committed voter fraud, I presumed she was joking.
A Lady with a Pungent Punchline
Clearly, Ms. Alter does possess a sense of humor because she said: In ’04, anti-Democratic fraud at the polls cheated John Kerry out of the Presidency. She also charged that had it not been for anti-Democratic fraud at the polls in the off-year elections of ’06, 354 Democrats would have been voted into the 435-member House of Representatives .
Now there is a lady who knows how to trigger a smile. She could appear on Saturday Night Live as an alternative to Joe the Plumber, who is both sincere and honest, contrary to the image contrived despite this morning by the smarmy Obama cheerleaders who are so heavily seeded throughout the media.
(An intriguing footnote: The smart lawyer who writes points out that while the Los Angeles Obama Times’ aging and faltering girl reporter noted that two tax liens are pending against Joe the Plumber, Mr. Obama’s treasurer, is far worse off. Martin Nesbitt is facing tax liens personally, and so are his companies. Mr. Obama’s cheerleaders are too intimidated to investigate. By now we know more about Joe the Plumber than about He Who Is Without Sin.)
Ostensibly, Ms. Alter’s appearance this week at the Vets Auditorium was honorably motivated — recruiting ardent Democratic activists to serve as monitors on Election Day in three- or four-hour shifts. She suggested they click onto or emailing Wendy Hughes at
It is deeply troubling that the hardline Ms. Alter is toting such a fiery, hyper-specific agenda in her saddlebags. The vagueness of her academic background combined with her unswerving political agenda immediately call into question her integrity and her trustfulness.