To the Regulars Among Activists, You Are Appreciated

Letters to the EditorLetters

Re Editor’s Essay: ‘Why Some People Never Miss a Meeting and Others Never Find Time for a Meeting,’ June 25. Keyword: Gateway.

Q: Who and how many people show up at meetings for the Historical Society, the Friends of the Library, Friends of the Dog Park, the Exchange Club, CERT and most other Culver City organizations?

A: The same people all the time for as far back as anyone can remember. Some of them went on to become elected officials, or to serve on committees. Some of them didn't. All of them share common traits, and should be appreciated for their commitment to participation.

One of the charming things about Culver City is that there is a small but cosmopolitan town atmosphere that offers the opportunity to participate and actually get to know your neighbors.

Not everyone does.

However, I have learned from watching these people you have labeled “the same old activists” that many of the concerns they raise echo some of what people say in the neighborhood — most are just too tired or overbooked to show up, a sad sign of scheduled-to-the-minute lives.

If you go to meetings, thank you.

I may or may not agree with what you say, but thank you for taking the time to attend. You make our community a better place.