Culver High Plays It Close to the End in Lacrosse Season Finales


Downey High School’s lacrosse team came to Culver City High last Tuesday night with a simple and effective game plan: Place a talented goalie in net to ward off the Centaur attack,and then smother that offense with a swarming defense.

The strategy worked for a 9-6 Downey victory.

By double- and triple-teaming the middies and attackmen at various times in the game, Downey was able to capitalize on changes of possession and rack up an early lead (6-2 at halftime).

Add to the mix the depth of the Downey bench (15 subs to Culver’s 5), and one could see why the Centaurs seemed to always be a step behind the fresh legs of their opponent. As in their last meeting, Culver attempted several shots on goal, but many just missed or were stopped cold by the goalie.

After a halftime pep talk and strategy session by coaches Casey Chabola and Jason Sindelar, the Centaur defense played admirably in the third period, allowing only 1 goal. This continued into the fourth as the offense mounted one of its patented comebacks, outscoring Downey 4-2.

But it wasn’t enough, and the Vikings won by three.

Goal scorers for Culver City: Campos 2, Alvarez, Bartlett, Dupuy and Mair.

High Scoring Finale

Last Thursday night, Beverly Hills provided the fireworks in an exciting game that epitomized the Centaurs’ season. Culver City made a strong comeback before losing narrowly, 15-13.

The Normans built an early lead, due in large part to the sloppy passing game of Culver City. But the Centaurs crept back into the game, tying it on a shot from the top of the box.

The Beverly defender then decked the Culver goal scorer, received a penalty and in the subsequent jawing on the field received a second one.

Two minutes of Beverly’s shorthanded play shifted momentum back to Culver City, and they scored three straight goals to take an 8-5 lead into the half.

A Lead Vanishes

The third period began on a sour note for Culver City. Beverly Hills scored moments into the half when they picked off an errant clearing pass and ran uncontested to the goal.

With momentum now shifted to Beverly, their team leader took control. In a remarkable display of athleticism, as the visiting fans chanted “Na-than,” jersey number 5 proceeded to almost single-handedly put the game away for Beverly, scoring several goals, most of them unassisted.

Meanwhile, Culver fought back with grit and determination, tying the game 11-11, then going ahead only to relinquish in the fourth, and go down fighting to the end.

The Centaurs demonstrated their own brand of heroics with a balanced scoring attack. Three seniors, Jameson Bartlett (5 goals), Daniel Alvarez (2 goals, 3 assists) and Shimon Golan (3 assists), led the charge along with juniors Jason Mair (3 goals, assist) and Austin Dupuy (3 goals).

Culver varsity lacrosse will lose eight seniors to graduation next season; they will be sorely missed.

The future looks bright however, for the program.

The general consensus in the stands was that the level of play was much improved this season over past years, and there’s a talented bunch of up and coming players who will help to build on the existing team.