As etymologists and sensible politicians long ago realized, the curious root word of the term “liberal” is “limp,” which rhymes with wimp — and we probably ought to stop there.
Liberals, the founding fathers of the moral handcuffs we call political correctness, are known for their proud inability to call an act by its true name.
Los Angeles Jews and blacks, who have not had much to do with each other since Dr. King was murdered 40 years ago, are pitted in a fascinating dispute this week that screams about a deficit of character.
With extreme caution and a decided absence of moral courage, my fellow Jews at the notoriously flabby — and unashamedly liberal — weekly The Jewish Journal are flailing once again. They are trying — but not very hard — to determine whether the president of the Los Angeles branch of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference took a public swipe at Jews during a speech that caused an influential Jewish philanthropist to break into tears after the remark, flee from the room, and hurriedly email everyone she could think of.
According to the philanthropist, Daphna Ziman, the Rev. Eric Lee said:
“The Jews have made money on us in the music business, and we are the entertainers, and they are economically enslaving us.”
Verification of the truth or error surrounding this volatile charge comes under the heading of Cinch for any vaguely sober high school journalist in pursuit of the truth.
Remember, however, the parties of both parts are, to be perfectly redundant, weak-kneed liberals.
They do no want to offend themselves or each other. Last seen, the pastor, the Rev. Lee, apologized but denied the remarks — is that a pip that would gag the students in Logic Class?
Typically, The Jewish Journal’s wimpy editor shrugged. Proving again that he was daydreaming in mediation class, the wimpy editor dropped to his knees and crawled out of a serious answer.
He decided both sides were telling the truth.
What Secrets?
How about that for a cowardly example of a modern-day liberal journalist fighting for truth, justice and the American way? How did Mr. Wimp get a job?
In these times, if my wife and I had whispered a disagreement in our kitchen this morning, while all neighbors were soundly asleep, believe me it would circulated, and documented, before lunch.
But those incurious journalists, those peace-loving defenders of Jewish integrity at The Jewish Journal cannot learn the truth about an extraordinarily public pronouncement made by a reasonably major figure in a room where supposedly hundreds were gathered.
This was a significant affair where Mayor Villaraigosa was honored, in addition to Ms. Ziman.
Anyone Seen a Detective?
But those warriors for wimphood at The Jewish Journal could not unearth a single recording or an attentive eyewitness, only slugs who said they were cleaning their ears and their fingernails when the Rev. Lee was speaking and by golly, they can’t remember a darned thing.
Returning to the wimpy liberal editor: Flinging his manliness into the gutter, he wobbily concludes with all of the muscle that a wimp can summon:
“What has emerged was not a black-and-white case of Mel Gibsonesque dementia, but what appears to be a miscommunication complicated by a misunderstanding.”
Just to insure that his baloney climax was not misread, Mr. Wimpy Editor doubles his fists, strains his facial muscles and declares in a fit of chest-puffing bravery:
“Ziman told the truth as she saw it, and so did the Rev. Lee. Two smart, committed people, passionate in their causes, can speak and hear less than perfectly…”
About Relations with Cuba
A good thing this wimp didn’t live in the days of Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders or his family would have to travel to Cuba to visit his grave.
I presume the Rev. Lee apologized because he was innocent, an old habit that makes liberals feel better when they have upset all of the sensible people around them.