Weissman, Endorsed by All Five Council Members, at Dem Club Tonight

Geoff MalemanNews

In an election in which the vote is bound to be fractured — such as the nine-way race for three seats on the City Council in the April 8 election — City Hall support could be crucial.

The present City Council frequently disagrees on the dais.

Comes now a person they all like enough to lend their names and prestige.

Andy Weissman announced today that all five sitting Council members – Mayor Alan Corlin, Vice Mayor Carol Gross and Council members Scott Malsin, Steve Rose and Gary Silbiger – have endorsed his campaign for City Council.

“This means a great deal to me to know that I have earned the respect and endorsement of all of them,” Mr. Weissman said. “I pride myself on being pragmatic, thoughtful and a good listener.”

Tonight, Mr. Weissman will appear with fellow Democrats Jeff Cooper, Christopher Armenta, Loni Anderson and Gary Russell in a forum setting at the Democratic Club meeting at 7:30 at the Vets Auditorium.

Mr. Weissman has been endorsed by 13 former Culver City mayors, a long list of Culver City’s current and past elected and appointed officials as well as the Chamber of Commerce.

After this evening’s program, next up for the candidate will be “Saturdays in the Park With Andy,” an opportunity for voters to meet him and hear his stands on the issues.

Mr. Weissman will host events from 11 to 1 on two Saturdays:

Feb. 23, at Lindberg Park, 5041 Rhoda Way, and

March 8, at Carlson Park, at the intersection of Braddock Drive and Motor Avenue.

Each event will include refreshments.

You may visit www.WeissmanforCouncil.com or email info@WeissmanforCouncil.com.