Endorsement: ‘County Supervisor Parks’ Sounds Just Right, Says the Retiring Burke

Ari L. NoonanNews

Attempting to anoint her successor, the retiring County Supervisor Yvonne Brathwaite Burke will endorse Los Angeles City Councilman Bernie Parks in the June election for the Board of Supervisors, the Downtown News reported this morning.

Jon Regardie wrote that Ms. Burke, who was deferring an announcement until after Super Tuesday for bigger play, likely will make her choice public next week.

During an election season when the value of even supposedly prestigious endorsements is being openly questioned, political sources said Mr. Parks obviously will welcome the support.

Assessing the Advantage

“Whether it will make much of a difference, can be debated,” said a veteran political campaigner. “But it won’t hurt Parks. And it will put his name out front without his rival being mentioned.”

In his sizzling race with state Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas (D-Culver City) to nab the seat Ms. Burke has held for 16 years, Mr. Parks is winning the endorsement derby.

Now he has two of the five County Supervisors on his side, including Gloria Molina.

The County Supervisors are widely viewed as so entrenched that this is the first time in 12 years there has been competition a seat.

And that is because a member is retiring, not because political professionals think that opposition to an incumbent is warranted.

Passing on Sen. Ridley-Thomas, a favorite of labor unions, Culver City Mayor Alan Corlin also is endorsing Mr. Parks.