Colorful Language in Wednesday’s Racial Race

Ari L. NoonanSports

A Search Party for Moral Values

Unsurprisingly, these lightweight ladies are Long Beach Democrats.

They wear their ankle bracelets and moral values in the same section of their shameful bodies.

Their ethnicity they spit-shine and wear in their hair, like a neon ribbon. They are unapologetic race-baiters.

A Most Compelling Argument

In a special Congressional election on Wednesday in Long Beach, voters will choose between Ms. Oropeza (“Vote for me because I am Hispanic”) and Ms. Richardson (“Vote for me because I am black”).

Shades of the Old South. Such language, even by implication, would sound immoral and absurdly hyperbolic to a normal voter who would choose on the basis of the ladies’ positions on issues. David Duke, you will recall, said Louisiana should vote for him because he was white.

Where are substantive, mature candidates who don’t hang out in racial alleys?

Sixteen others are running to succeed the late U.S. Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald, who died of cancer at the age of 68 two months ago. But, we are told, the chances of the rest are less than the chance of a Presbyterian becoming the next Pope.

It’s Only Fair

Black leaders are desperate to cling to this seat in Washington. They say it is theirs, irreversibly, eternally, in perpetuity. By dint of Ms. Millender-McDonald’s nine terms in Congress, they say, this black-only chair never should be allowed to leave black hands.

What scholar could disagree with such airtight reasoning?

I suspect they would make an exception if the only two contenders were a black Republican and any kind of Democrat, even a kangaroo. A black Republican is in this race. I am betting he and I will finish with the same number of votes.

Federation Backing

Ms. Oropeza, more widely known, is said to have an advantage.

She has been endorsed by the supposedly muscular Los Angeles County (I Don’t Care Who You Vote for as Long as He or She is Latino) Federation of Labor. I think they called it the Mafia when I was growing up.

I Will Have an ‘X,’ Please

The widow lady in charge of these thugs said with a straight face that representatives from 350 unions within the Federation made Ms. Oropeza their overwhelming choice — no doubt after subjecting both candidates to intellectually exhausting scrutiny.

The widow lady was saying that like good sheep, the scarcely educated members of the 350 unions will mark an “x” for both their name and the person they have been ordered to vote for.

So They Voted for Me

As for accountability, both ladies — farther to the left on the spectrum than almost anyone you know — were elected to new offices last November.

Sometimes, winning candidates serve out their terms.

But being a shrill lady racist means never having to say you are sorry, much less keeping a promise.

Voters expected Ms. Richardson to serve out her two years in the state Assembly and Ms. Oropeza her two years in the state Senate.

What Kind of House Work?

These ladies dread housework. But they are salivating over the prospect of House work.

Nakedly greedy, cynically ambitious, they never have let an election get in the way of their mission, which they are expected to reveal one of these campaigns.

Stay Out of the Way

Ain’t nothin’ or nobody gonna get in the way of these teeth-baring broads. Both are former members of the City Council in Long Beach where they began to hone their I Am Loyal Only to Me skills.

Ms. Oropeza has served in several offices to advance Hispanic causes, Ms. Richardson, to advance black causes.

With one-quarter of registered voters being black and one-fifth being Hispanic, you reach a disappointing conclusion.

Any Dying Officeholders?

While the racists, the feminists and other left-wing extremists wrestle in the Washington dirt, the majority of voters in the 37th District will be told to suck their thumbs until the next election.

Meanwhile, the winning Congress-lady will be out combing the bushes — you will forgive the political shrubbery — looking for the next person above her to hurry up and die off.