If He Were White, Earl Ofari Would Not Have Lasted

Ari L. NoonanSports

A Lifetime Pass

“Civil rights,” he and his fellow black schemers figured out years ago, is a ticket to any dance. Left-wingers obsequiously sink to their knees when any black man ordains himself a “civil rights leader.”

Mr. Hutchinson’s many liberal friends in the media are not going to expose him. They think the scam he has going serves American white bigots right.

Would it be excessive to study his actions and describe him as a racial pornographer?

Has he no shame?

A Scaremonger

A political analyst, an author, a television commentator and a former radio host with the English-mangling crowd of radicals on KPFK, he also scares people for a living.

Remember the Beverly Hills incident?

Last Friday, we told you about the intimidating visit that the 6-foot-8 “civil rights leader” and two fellow thugs from the NAACP paid to the Beverly Hills High School campus.

Pathetic Behavior

Without dressing up in Halloween costumes, the three “civil rights” buffoons played a hard-nosed game of trick-or-treat. They told Beverly High administrators ante up or else, that they had better start enrolling black kids, and soon.

Only two words were heard from the other side of the table: “Yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir.” Later, there were six more, “How much time do we have?”

Latest Dip Into Daffiness

Yesterday morning, Mr. Hutchinson fetched his favorite fishing pole, attached race-baiting to the tip of it, and plunged once again into the deep waters of How Can I Start a Race War?

Here is the tortured opening sentence of his essay yesterday morning on the Huffington Post blog:

“The casual mention by some campus officials, students and in some press reports that, in early reports, identified the Virginia Tech shooter as an un-named “Asian man” could’ve easily planted the dangerous public seed that there was an Asian menace to the shootings.”

One rubs his eyes.

This appears to be Mr. Hutchinson at his most hypocritical. Last week in Beverly Hills, color mattered. He argued that the Beverly Hills School District is not enrolling “enough” black kids. This week, he switches tactics. He argues that a Korean killer should only be identified as a human being, not a Korean. Do you have to drink to be a good left-winger? No wonder so many left-wingers are unemployed. They don’t have the time to take a job. They are too busy calculating racist formulas for the rest of us to live by.

One hopes Mr. Hutchinson has a drinking problem to blame for scoring the Daily Double in his rambling Huffington Post essay.

Double Your Displeasure

He managed to simultaneously remind us that he is an invective-spewing black racist who struggles to construct a wildly incoherent racist sentence.

Mr. Hutchinson has fooled many people for many years.

Mr. Hutchinson is not a faceless bum who hangs out with the less fortunate along the gutters on Main Street. As moral human beings, the less fortunate on Main Street significantly outrank Mr. Hutchinson.

Which Way Is It?

In spite of or because of his carefully orchestrated inflammatory conduct, Mr. Hutchinson has stature in the media world.

“Why” is an intriguing, baffling proposition.

Don’t they read what he says?

Of Shelf Life

David Duke’s shelf life (thankfully) did not last as long as ice cubes in a microwave. Mr. Hutchinson has shown him how the serious bad guys survive.

In one of those cultural oddities of the last two centuries, Mr. Hutchinson, a scoundrel who belongs to a once-scorned race, has deviously reversed the roles. Now he torments the descendants of his onetime torturers. The less savvy among us are merely amused, which is why they are the less savvy.