The Man from ‘Culver City’ — an Ill Fit at the University of Diversity

Ari L. NoonanSports

The Truth: Lost but Not Found

Trounson Rebecca, a Los Angeles Times education reporter who often seems to get her own priorities backward, wrote a shallow account of Mr. Block’s first exposition in Los Angeles. Between Ms. Rebecca’s editorializing and the new Chancellor’s fluffy, feel-good philosophizing, it was difficult to glean from the story that the CEO of one of America’s important universities was soberly unveiling his agenda. It sounded more like the minutes of a meeting. Without qualification, Ms. Rebecca flogged one of her favorite concepts as if it were fact. She argued that minorities are “under-represented” on the UCLA campus. Ms. Rebecca, an unreliable reporter throughout her stay at what Larry Elder calls “the Democratic Times of Los Angeles,” linked this daffy notion to Mr. Block’s agenda. What is an “under-represented minority?” Does Ms. Rebecca employ any Bulgarians or Albanians at her household? When I wasn’t looking, did Mayor (“I want to thank all illegal immigrants for voting me into office”)Villaraigosa of Los Angeles make it a rule that a certain number of Mexicans, blacks and Filipinos have to be enrolled at UCLA or he will shut it down? Oh, I forgot. He is not the Education Mayor anymore. Now he can spend his nights ferrying new illegal voters across the border.