Mayor Commits a Holdup, and No One Objects

Ari L. NoonanSports

This won’t take long, did it? With the connivance of his Mexican-centric legislative pals in Sacramento, the Mayor pulled off the slickest daylight heist since Willie Sutton was robbing banks unmolested in the middle of the last century. His technically legal, ethically slimy takeover of LAUSD will be enshrined in history textbooks for its boldness. In truth, Mayor Wrong hornswoggled Los Angeles voters, especially the families of public school students, by employing the same courage it takes to beat up a 90-year-old lady in a wheelchair.

A Greedy Model for the Ages

The brassy, daylight highjacking tactics of the nakedly greed Mayor Wrong and his political thugs will be studied for modeling purposes for years. The lonely cheering you hear for Mayor Wrong is emanating from a Chicago graveyard where the first crooked Mayor Daley and St. Al Capone are buried. Neither crook can believe how Mayor Wrong got away with it, fooling so many allegedly astute Californians. In that case, here is a warm-cocoa bedtime story for all curious boys and girls. In a mushy, victim-softened, victim-sensitive society where power brokers, pundits and politicians are warned against criticizing certain ethnicities, Mayor Wrong has deftly played his hand with shivering brilliance. A plodding white guy like Mayor Freddie O’Brien would not have had a chance of pulling off this holdup of the sleepy public. Only a laser-focused ethnic was capable. Mayor (“Mexico today, Mexico tomorrow, Mexico forever”)Wrong was the right ethnicity in the right slimy place. His puppets in the field dictated the Mayor’s course on his seizure of LAUSD months ago. They told him that even if every illegal who voted for him in last year’s election voted for his seizure of the vast public school network, they could not guarantee him a victory. His option was to go through his ethnic-crazed pals, as choreographed by the slick, oily kid Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and the boys, in Sacramento.

Succeeding Without Really Trying

Success was not a cinch, but it stood a much better chance than risking a referendum with the fickle public, where Democrats usually lose important elections. By choosing Sacramento, Con Heaven as some say, Mayor Wrong would not be forced to endure the nagging niceties that a democracy requires of respectable politicians plotting a takeover. If you take a proposition to the voters for approval, you are forced to explain your strategy and this is the correct choice. When you only have to deal with your own kind, no justification is needed. Mayor Wrong’s primary, secondary and tertiary motivations are to assimilate power, to centralize authority in a single worthy repository, his itchy, thoroughly untrustworthy hands. If he has even a modest plan for improving the quality of education within LAUSD — outside of his pet projects – he has not disclosed it. This may be the most remarkable fact of all. If Mayor Wrong is not held accountable going in, who will marshal sufficient will to lasso him once his momentum has maximized? His Council of Mayors, seemingly comprised of delusional people, is already a laughingstock. The defanged LAUSD School Board may as well meet in San Bernardino or Culver City for all the authority it will wield. A.J. Duffy, the overstuffed, cerebreally submissive President of the Teachers Union, should float a loan to acquire a shoeshine stand — possibly via eminent domain. That should keep him busy for the rest of Mayor Wrong’s term. It doesn’t look as if Ol’ Duff, as his barstool braintrust derisively calls him, will have any more influence than a Republican, gads, in City Hall. 


Unless Mayor Wrong’s brass-knuckled puppets have overlooked a loose thread, the seductive Fooler-in-Chief of Los Angeles has convinced the dumbest voters and the dumbest Legislature in the United States that the poison he just fed them actually is creamy smooth peanut butter. No bitter aftertaste. Your will just dropped dead, as he planned.