Answering an Errant Colleague

Ari L. NoonanSports

Departing from the Real World

Certain rudimentary concepts of the modern liberal are to be understood before proceeding with an analysis of Mr. Sisa’s essay. The coarse pseudo-cerebral course of physiological logic that Mr. Sisa pursued is heavily populated with fellow liberals who simultaneously are fleeing the real world. Permanently assuming an effete posture, inherently incapable of confronting reality, liberals are content only when they can retreat to an unoccupied corner and pontificate about impersonal abstractions, remote theories and vague generalisms. Many liberals I have known are demonstrably incapable of intimacy. Flirtation with intimacy brings them into conflict with commitment, a major abhorrence antithetical to the liberal doctrine. Convinced it is immoral to render judgments, they recoil fleetly from right and from wrong. Notions of good and evil are sworn enemies. The antidote in every case is equality. Men and women are identical, most liberals hold. Desperate for an exit route once they discover that judgment in life cannot altogether be avoided — what to do at a stoplight? — liberals devised the concept of equivalency, which is a modern liberal’s Declaration of Independence. It is his Get Out of Jail Free card that allows him to promote gay marriage, affirmative action and illegal immigration with identical fervor.

You Have to Watch These Guys

By obtusely, irrationally concluding that all of us, boys and girls, are dead equal, liberals have satisfied two critical criteria. Foremost, it feels fuzzy and warm. It sounds good, which is toweringly important. Secondly, We Are All Equal creates a nifty trapdoor for liberals to use as an escape hatch so they don’t have to make a dreaded decision between a good person and a bad person. They thrive in a milieu of chaos, confusion, when vision or information becomes blurred. When you say bad people are good and good people are bad — because we are all equal — a good liberal is automatically relieved of decision-making, which grownups call “responsibility.” Immigrants and illegal immigrants are identical concepts to liberals. Liberal legislators waste their days fighting for a minimum wage, or what some call a “living wage.” Minimum wage applies to dead end jobs for the very young and the very old. This should merely be transitional employment, not a career. But liberals scorn reasoning in favor of feeling. It “feels” better when you are fighting for a cause. Appearances, sounds, feelings all trump good and evil, right and wrong, reasoning, logic and rationality. Finally, like many sensible people, liberals hate being accused of the weaknesses of which they are guilty, and so they hunker down and deny.

The Errors of His Ways

Mr. Sisa is a prominent participant in because he is smart and he is a clear communicator. To repeat, he also often employs his considerable instruments of sound reasoning, except on certain subjects. Relying on a liberal’s most valued instinct, the sound of his words, Mr. Sisa resorted to saddened predictability in yesterday’s essay (“Killing Them All, Letting God Sort Them Out”). As a smart man, Mr. Sisa learned at home, in school and in his life that war sometimes is as necessary as a stoplight at an intersection. But his commitment to modern liberal philosophy, befogged by daily doses of pop culture ideology, won’t allow him to admit the distinction. Truth, routinely, is a necessary casualty among liberals to make their ideology fit modern times. Now there is a killing they don’t mind committing. Mr. Sisa is so darned upset that good guys are shooting back at the the terrorists who have been attacking them daily since 1948 that he needs to fine-tune the truth to fit inside his thesis. I refer to his absurd formulation about the worthiness of one life over another. I regret that Mr. Sisa did not familiarize himself with the history of the Jewish state before declaring opinions. Adroitly placing his handy one-template-fits-all theory about war over the latest terrorist attack against Israel is an affront to intellectual honesty and to morality. By predictably wringing his hands over the numerous contrived “tragedies” — just as Hezbollah’s clever strategists knew liberal, will-starved Westerners would — instead of searching his organ of reasoning, Mr. Sisa disappoints those of us who admire his nimble mind. His usual close reading of facts abandoned him this time. He fell for the actors’ ploys. Tellingly, Mr. Sisa asks you not to burden him with facts, especially the most salient of them. I quote: “And I don’t want to hear that bit about terrorists hiding behind human shields.” I see. If, as a commentator, you are permitted to disconsider the key component of the terrorists’ odious combat strategy, you will be pleased to continue your analysis? This is a blue ribbon sample of my colleague’s disingenuity. He fears calling evil people evil because you know that we are all equal, not evil. If we call someone evil that must mean we are equal, too. See how you can twist yourself into embarrassing knots with liberal philosophy. Sounds better, doesn’t it, when you can pretend that reality is just a Republican or a Jewish fiction. Mr. Sisa’s most disappointing betrayal of self may have been embedded in a succinct phrase toward the bottom: ”I refuse to take sides.” Liberals, commonly, wear this effete mantra like a Boy Scout badge. Someday, however, my liberal friends, you will be forced into an unappetizing vise. You will have to choose to be with us or against us.