A Sardonic Thank-You to Biden from a former POW

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Major Mark A. Smith, USA Ret.

Vice President Joe Biden’s two recent nights of luxury in Europe cost us taxpayers $1 million – just under $500,000 one overnight in London and more than $500,000 for an overnight in Paris.

As of today, however, the Obama administration has yet to find the money for the annual RPW/Returned Prisoner Of War physical evaluation in Pensacola, FL. 
The study of RPW not only benefits future generations of soldiers, it is part of the promise made by President Nixon personally to the POWs and their wives in 1973.

“You will be taken care of for the rest of your lives,” Mr. Nixon said.
Well, Joe, some TDY (see identity line below) trips are more important than others, right?
By the way, Joe, the guys from Hanoi are angry that you didn't even stay at the Hilton
like they did.
Major Smith, RPW,Vietnam/Cambodia 1972-73 Vietnam Service; 1966(Those fourteen days TDY in December 1965 are on me) 1973, may be contacted at