A Year of Accomplishments for Community Health Councils

Letters to the EditorLetters

[Editor’s Note: Ms. Galloway-Gilliam is Executive Director of Community Health Councils.]
As 2012 draws to a close, I want to thank all supporters of the Community Health Councils in our efforts to promote social justice, equity, and healthier underserved communities.

Because of our supporters, CHC was able to:

• Launch the Enhanced Diabetic Care Management Initiative to standardize and improve care management for high-risk, adult diabetic patients.

• Convene the Community Advisory Board, a 21-member coalition of residents and safety-net patients from South Los Angeles.

• Assist more than 1,800 children and pregnant women to receive for low- or no-cost health insurance

• Launch the ABCs of Health Coverage newsletter in English and Spanish to keep parents current on changes that impact their health and health coverage.

• Formalize a community-based participatory research program, training nearly 50 residents as field researchers.

• Secure an agreement from the City of Los Angeles to create a South L.A. Park Master Plan and Tree Master Plan.

• Develop recommendations to the Dept. of Conservation for the regulation of hydraulic fracturing in the Inglewood Oil Field

• Complete a comprehensive assessment of walking and biking environments in South L.A.

• Publish in-depth reports on Health Professional Shortage Areas, Dialogues with Safety Net Users on Health Reform, Designing the Navigator System in California, and Promoting Healthy Dining in South Los Angeles.

Tax-deductible contributions will allow Community Health Councils to continue its work to improve the health of disenfranchised communities in these difficult times.

Please support our efforts with a tax-deductible donation.

Ms. Galloway-Gilliam may be contacted at chc-inc.org