What an Unarmed America Would Look and Smell Like

Letters to the EditorLetters

Attn. Joe American and Average Armed Citizen:

Okay, my rich liberal friends.

I have booked tickets for your walking tours and overnight stays in the most crime-ridden cities in America.

To qualify, you must bring along your wife or your significant other, and, of course, all of your kiddies.

Your children will spend a day in a classic inner-city school. You can walk down to the gate, unarmed, to pick them Up. And don't forget to wear all of that fine jewelry you routinely put on to go to the mall when you are home.

How is that unarmed America working out for you so far, Wilma?

Upon your return to your gated suburban community, a representative of the NRA patiently will hear your screaming complaints about having to wait with the regular people and process your enrollment in a class on gun safety.

(Yes, Wilma, little Josh can attend and get his hunting license.)

Welcome to the real world.

Nobody needs a gun – until he needs a gun.

By then, you hope you are not stuck with only a five-round ‘ clip.

Maj. Mark A. Smith, USA, ret., may be contacted at majorzippo@yahoo.com