In a Crowded Field, Price First to Qualify for the Primary Race

Letters to the EditorLetters

Dear Friends,

Thanks to our strong grassroots coalition, volunteers, and supporters, I am proud to share the exciting news that our campaign is the first in the “New 9th” Los Angeles City Council District to qualify for the March 5 primary election ballot.

[Editor’s Note: State Sen. Price (D-Culver City) is competing against more than a dozen rivals for the seat held by mayoralty candidate Jan Perry, who is termed out.]

I am humbled by the positive reception my candidacy has received by the people.

As our multi-ethnic and intergenerational team gathered signatures, we were energized by the outpouring of support and the overwhelming response from the community asking for new local leadership and quality representation.

This news comes on the heels of our recent announcement that City Council President Herb Wesson, U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Culver City), and County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas have strongly endorsed my campaign, along with a strong coalition of community and local business leaders, and working families, seniors, and students who are supporting my campaign.

Please take the time to sign up to volunteer for our campaign.

Thanks to my supporters, we will continue building momentum to win this campaign, and bring positive change for the “New 9th.”