Westside Veterans Choir Hopes to Raise Funds to Aid Homeless Awareness

Letters to the EditorLetters

Dear Friends,

The New Directions Veterans Choir is now live on Kickstarter.

Our first Kickstarter project is called “The First Recording.”

Our goal is to raise funds for our first album. Fans have been asking for it for a long time. We have only 23 days to raise our goal amount. Donate $20 or more and receive a CD.

We are determined to raise awareness of the homeless veterans who need our help, and to change their lives for the better.

If we have to do this one at a time, we will.

That's our message, that's what New Directions, Inc. does, where these formerly homeless men and women veterans sought and received help, and this project is to share the message: There is hope, there is help.

There are three ways people can go to Kickstarter.

1. Visit our site, www.newdirectionsveteranschoir.com (or www.ndvc.org).

2. Go to www.kickstarter.com and type in New Directions Veterans Choir in the Search Projects box,.

3. Copy and paste in this URL: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/24141018/new-directions-veterans-choir-the-first-recording

Please visit our kickstarter project today to help us raise funds for this group's first recording. We cannot do this without you. Please share this with all your friends and ask them to help, too. Thank you.

Morgan Ames, producer/arranger of the choir, may be contacted at morganames@sbcglobal.net