Red Face & Fried Fish

Robert EbsenOP-ED

My face has been red for the last week because I have been applying a dermatological solution to my forehead and sideburn areas. The solution is expected to kill the actinic keratoses (pre-cancerous growths) on my face due to many years of exposure to the sun.

While there is no pain from the procedure, the sight of redness and scabbing is not a sight for the squeamish. When I venture outside, I cover most of my face with my oversized cap, and add a band-aid or two on my sideburn area for good measure.

You might wonder, where is the excitement in this? After all, my essays are usually about the things I like doing. The answer is clear to me: I am actually excited that after the procedure takes its course (in perhaps two more weeks) the solution will have located and killed off the years of pre-cancerous growth on my face. For that I not only am thankful, but also very happy. I see my red face, and I like doing this.

Food for More Than Thought

Fried fish, fried chicken and sweet potato fries are some of my favorite foods. For the past two weeks, however, I have abstained from those foods and led a cloistered culinary life on a low-fat diet. All this, after suffering a painful gallbladder attack. Why am I happy? I am happily looking forward to eating the foods I like after my gallbladder is removed in another month. I am also happy that during this restricted diet period, I have learned to moderate my intake of fats. For example, I can now make a teaspoon of margarine go a long way on a couple of slices of toast, or on a baked potato. I am happy for that. I think about my operation, and I like it.

What does all this have to say to me? It says that there is a silver lining with each cloud that floats our way. It may not be evident at first, but, if you think positively, you may be lucky enough to find it.

May you find all your silver linings in life. Godspeed.

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at