Dr. Kent Brings Right Prescription for Schools

Dr. Suzanne DeBenedittisOP-ED1 Comment

It is refreshing to learn that we in Culver City are blessed to have Dr. Kelly Kent, an educational neuroscientist, willing to serve as a School Board member. As a seasoned educator and psychotherapist for the past 30 years, I have witnessed the benefits my clients enjoy from applied neuroscience. We can, too. How? Last year we voted to spend … Read More

Meet a Beggar with a Growing Family

Dr. Rosemary H. CohenOP-EDLeave a Comment

Michigan Avenue-style begging
Michigan Avenue-style begging

Third in a series Re “What Happens When Beggars Organize?” There are more beggars in diverse stations on North Michigan Avenue in Chicago than I saw in Paris a few weeks ago on a late-summer trip. Still, there were more beggars present this time than during my last visit. There was a man with a five-year-old boy. A young couple … Read More

Did One Cooke Spoil the Broth?

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Jim Raetz

Fifth in a series Re “Cops Becoming Educated by Degrees” How the Culver City Police Dept., and police departments elsewhere, have changed since the early 1980s when soon-to-retire Officer Jim Raetz was a rookie. The reason: “You have to look at how society has changed,” Mr. Raetz said, “and those changes were bound to spill onto us.” The hard-boiled Army … Read More

Attn. Mr. Zirgulis: Natatorium Is Stirring

Ari L. NoonanNews2 Comments

Peeking inside of the Natatorium
Peeking inside of the Natatorium

Fourth in a series Re “School District’s Perfect-Storm Summer” Former School Board candidate Robert Zirgulis is nowhere in sight this autumn. The ghost of the persistent Mr. Zirgulis, however, is roaming about the Culver City High School campus as the present School Board campaign roars into its final two weeks. Like a vividly colored banner, Mr. Zirgulis waved the potential … Read More

Tangling with a Reporter

Robert L. RosebrockOP-EDLeave a Comment

Ms. Groves

Oct. 20, 2015 Vincent Kane Special Assistant to Secretary Robert A. McDonald Dept. of Veterans Affairs Good morning, Mr. Kane, When Los Angeles Times reporter Martha Groves emailed me about her then- forthcoming article, “Draft master plan is unveiled for long-neglected VA campus in West L.A.,” she asked for my input. When I challenged the urgency and top-priority being given … Read More

Mayor Doing Fine. That Ain’t Good

Brian HewsNewsLeave a Comment

Mayor Hadjinian
Mayor Hadjinian

Dateline Montebello — An examination of official campaign documents, dated July 1 to Sept. 19, obtained by Hews Media Group-Community News, has revealed that Montebello Mayor Jack Hadjinian failed to correctly report $12,000 in donations that could result in $35,000 in fines from the Fair Political Practices Commission. Montebello Council candidate Vanessa Delgado, whom Mr. Hadjinian is endorsing, also is … Read More

Correcting Your Own Errors Always Works Best

Nicholas PollakOP-EDLeave a Comment

From quiet days to days so busy taking a bathroom break can be daunting. Ultimately, it is how you handle the day, regardless of the rhythms. A quiet day means catching up on chores or relaxing. Some people cannot let go. When relaxing, they are nervous. Busy days keep us mentally and physically occupied. The volume of work can create … Read More

Six Leaders Endorse Team of Burke-McVarish

Laura ChardietOP-ED2 Comments

From left, City Councilmembers Jim Clarke, Andy Weissman, Jeff Cooper, Anne Burke, Scott McVarish, Board members Kathy Paspalis, Laura Chardiet and Steve Levin

School Board candidates Anne Burke and Scott McVarish announced today that they have received the support of six of the Culver City elected officials who have taken a stand for the Nov. 3 election. “One of the most critical tasks the School Board is engaged in,” said Board member Kathy Paspalis, “is ensuring that Measure CC bond funds are spent … Read More

Angry Pols Keep Trying to KO City Clerk

Brian HewsNewsLeave a Comment

Carmen Avalos

Carmen Avalos, Cerritos College Trustee President and South Gate City Clerk, recently survived a trumped-up recall in June from her College Trustee Area 2 seat that sources said was a result of her abstaining on a vote to elect Cerritos College Area 6 Trustee Dr. Sandra Salazar as President of the Board. Four of the 10 needed signatures on the … Read More

Carson Worthy of Big Leagues. Says Mayor

John SchwadaNewsLeave a Comment

Mayor Robles

Dateline Carson — The city of Carson continued to make its mark as a world-class venue for professional sports Saturday night when a sold-out crowd of 27,000 at the Stub Hub Center saw Donnie (Ahas) Nietes, the longest reigning world champion Filipino boxer, successfully defend his WBO light featherweight crown. Making his debut in the U.S., the 33-year-old Nietes bested … Read More