Finding a New Home – at 98!

Robert EbsenOP-EDLeave a Comment


My almost 98-year-old mom recently got notice that the house in which she has lived with three other ladies for 13 years, was being sold. She would have to either move into the smaller, more institutional-looking quarters of the Home, or move out. My wonderful sisters found mom a new senior residence. Brookdale South is making mom very happy. I … Read More

Hill of a Job, Hellary

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment


One of the most appealing aspects of being a liberal journalist – for efficiency’s sake, no doubt – is that you don’t have to wait until the game is over to report the winner and the final score — no matter how many additional runs are scored. Ahead of yesterday’s Benghazi hearing, the predictable Los Angeles Times and The New … Read More

Reporting from Israel – on One Slanted Leg

ShacharOP-EDLeave a Comment

Joseph Goebbels in 1934
Joseph Goebbels in 1934

Dateline Jerusalem — The oldest trick.  As Mark Twain borrowed from an old proverb 150 years ago, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” With the advent of instant worldwide communication, lies are spread across the planet in seconds. Dishonest, deliberately misleading practices of journalists and the media unfortunately are commonplace, … Read More

McVarish Faults Kent’s Backers

Ari L. NoonanNews4 Comments

Mr. McVarish

Fifth in a series Re “‘You Must Kiss Silbiger’s Ring’ – McVarish” As a first-time candidate for public office, what has attorney Scott McVarish learned since entering the School Board race late in July? “I like my opponent.” Stop right there. Yes, Mr. McVarish is one of three contenders for two open seats in the Nov. 13. Only Prof. Kelly … Read More

Easier to Die Than to Live

Thomas D. EliasOP-EDLeave a Comment

Former Gov. Davis

Gov. Brown may not have been aware of what he was doing, but a combination of his signatures and vetoes on bills passed by the Legislature will make it easier for desperately ill persons to seek death in California than to attempt to live longer. With one of his moves, Mr. Brown revealed his inner thinking. The window into his … Read More

Centaurs Must Win Remaining Games

Steve FinleySportsLeave a Comment

Coach Wright

The 3-4 Culver City High School football team already has played 70 percent of their games, but the next three are the key to their season. If they win all three, for a third-place Ocean League finish, they will be in position to claim an at-large bid in the CIF playoffs. The most important part of their schedule starts Friday … Read More

The End

Mike HennesseyOP-EDLeave a Comment

Dateline Dayton — I attended last Thursday’s  meeting of the Budget Committee for our condo association because I am a member. The meetings are comical because of the differences of opinions. One man is quite vocal and rarely follows the program. I come away frustrated by the lack of progress.  Too many people are on the committee.  There should be … Read More

Quien Es Kelly Kent?

Joanne BrodyNews1 Comment

Prof. Kelly Kent, left, and Joanna Brody flank Dr. James Webb, an expert on education for the gifted

Throughout this School Board campaign, two of the primary questions about Kelly Kent have been: “Who is she?” “What is her experience working with our Culver City schools?” I am uniquely positioned to answer these questions. My perspective may be of benefit to the electorate who are being asked to select candidates in our Nov. 3 election. For well over … Read More

Political Bias Rampant on Brown’s Water Board

Brian HewsNewsLeave a Comment

Gov. Brown prepared for any weather

An investigation by Hews Media Group-Community News has found that the state Water Resources Control Board, an unelected body appointed by Gov. Brown and by Senate Pro-Tem Kevin DeLeon, stacked heavily with environmentalists and labor leaders, has deliberately assigned higher levels of water conservation to water agencies in districts with seats held by state Senate and Assembly Republican office holders … Read More

Guess What I Have up My Sleeve

Alexandra VaillancourtOP-EDLeave a Comment

A coat of arms is the only coat our essayist is missing

Dateline Boston — How many jackets and coats do you have? I have 16. I live in New England, where, apparently, one needs outerwear for every possible weather event. I have four hoodie sweatshirts; three of them are from the children’s section. I bought each one when I was out somewhere and got a little chilly. Clothes in the children’s … Read More