Combined Elections – Good News or Bad?

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Sen. Ben Hueso, D-San Diego. Photo: AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

First in a series.  A resounding cheer rocked the Raintree Clubhouse on Sunday afternoon when candidate Scott McVarish suggested next Tuesday’s School Board election could mark the final time School Board voting and City Council voting are on separate days, separate months, separate years. At this moment, such radical change at City Hall is iffy. At issue is whether Culver … Read More

Applying Logic and Grit to Problem-Solving

Nicholas PollakOP-EDLeave a Comment

Photo: Getty Images

I recently saw Matt Damon in “The Martian” because when I read the book, I could not stop until I had finished. Even NASA has applauded the film’s technical accuracy. I was struck by was the attitude of the main character who said stoutly and repeatedly that one never gives up. Best way: Address each problem as it arises and … Read More

I Still Am Searching for Cooperation

Robert L. RosebrockOP-EDLeave a Comment

Vincent Kane. Photo: US Dept. of Veterans Affairs

Oct. 24, 2015 Vincent Kane Special Assistant to Secretary Robert A. McDonald Dept. of Veterans Affairs Good morning, Mr. Kane, The much-discussed Jan, 28 settlement arrangement between the VA and the Veterans plaintiffs “is not intended to be enforceable in any court.” But it is indeed illegal with its subversive intention to steal Veterans’ land and protect the corrupt VA bureaucrats and … Read More

Times Flexes Muscles, Arms Fall Off

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

A week ago this evening, 50 mentally defective racists from the Black Punks Matter movement – sprinkled among a crowd of 750 normal persons –pooled their slender cerebral resources. As pre-potty trained, attention-seeking little boys are wont to do, the failed professional thugs violently disrupted a peace-mending mission Mayor Garcetti had made to a prestigious black setting, Holman United Methodist … Read More

Flag Footballers Not Only Wins but Romps

Scott ZeidmanSportsLeave a Comment

Ball-carrier Thomas Chee, with blocking help from Leo Matsuoka.

The Culver City Panthers sixth grade flag football team continued its dominance of the Sixth Grade Fiya League on Friday with a 44-6 victory over visiting WISH 3. The undefeated Panthers, 4-0 in the sixth grade league, host Vista on Friday at 4 in the sixth grade league.  The Panthers host WISH in the seventh/eighth grade league on Tuesday at … Read More

Racist Remarks, Lie, Did Not Hurt a Mayor

Brian HewsNews2 Comments

Zareh Sinanyan

In March 2013, current Glendale Mayor Zareh Sinanyan was accused of posting extremely racist, anti-Mexican, Islamophobic and homophobic comments on a You Tube account. For a month, he vehemently denied the posting. After his remarks were made public by the Glendale News-Press, Mr. Sinanyan lost several key endorsements, including Los Angeles mayoral candidates Wendy Greuel and Eric Garcetti, along with L.A. City Councilman Paul … Read More

Did You Know Muslims Discovered America?

Harut SassounianOP-EDLeave a Comment

Mr. Tayyip Erdogan. Photo: Daily Sabah

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Sassounian is publisher of The California Courier, a weekly for the Armenian community since 1958.]  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has completely destroyed his credibility by making numerous bizarre claims in recent years. For example, Mr. Erdogan told a group of Latin American Muslims visiting Istanbul last year that Muslim Pilgrims discovered America over 300 years … Read More

McVarish: UPCC Main Muscle Behind Bond

Ari L. NoonanNews1 Comment

Mr. McVarish, Ms. Burke visit with a Raintree resident yesterday.

Early in yesterday’s final candidates’ forum of the School Board campaign at the Raintree condo complex, Scott McVarish returned to one of his favorite talking points. He stepped directly into the fire, again,  raising the banner of a parent group that has been a magnet for criticism from the backers of Prof. Kelly Kent. “When we started United Parents of … Read More

Kent Can Change Lives of Students

Dr. Janet HoultNews24 Comments

Dr. Kent, left, at National Women’s Political Caucus last evening with City Councilmember Meghan Sahli-Wells, center, and Patricia Garcia

My absentee ballot was mailed today with a vote for Dr. Kelly Kent for School Board. It is rare that we have someone with her qualifications on our School Board. An educator, Dr. Kent understands the learning process. She will put in the time and energy to provide our students with what they need to excel academically and as citizens. … Read More

Halloween, AVPA Concert Both on the Way

Dr. Tony SpanoA&ELeave a Comment

Musical tricks and treats are in store next Thursday evening for the Academy of Visual Arts’ Music Dept.’s fall concert, 7 o’clock at the Robert Frost Auditorium on the campus of Culver City High School. The free, family-friendly evening will feature Halloween-inspired music. There will be a pre-concert treat activity for youngsters who attend in costume. Families who stop be … Read More