Times Gives Birth to New Instant Victim

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

Liberal racists who own uncomplicated minds are as happy as a transgendered new father when they can create, out of fumes and clouds, a fresh case of fake bias. The polka-dot racists who make editorial decisions at the Los Angeles Times commonly are first to clamber onto the garbage truck and spew carefully worded lies about what a plantation contemporary … Read More

Deconstructing Kent’s ‘Misinformation’ Case

Laura StuartOP-ED31 Comments

Dr. Kent’s Facebook page says she has a plan to “educate every Culver City including these two troublemakers” to whom she is related.

I always have said anyone who runs for office should be commended. However, some people need to be better informed and involved before they do so.  Kelly Kent, a candidate in Tuesday’s School Board election, is in that category. In Culver City, you have to earn things. Candidate Kelly Kent has not earned a place as an elected official.  She … Read More

Crimson Peak: Spirited, but Lacking Soul

Frédérik SisaA&E, FilmLeave a Comment

Crimson Peak

Review of Crimson Peak.  Guillermo del Toro’s ode to Gothic literature begins with one of those typically useless warnings: “Beware Crimson Peak!” Not something actionable like, “Don’t trust Thomas Sharpe and his sister” or “Stay away from Allerdale Hall if you value your life.” No: “Beware Crimson Peak,” delivered to a terrified little girl by her dead mother’s frightful apparition. … Read More

Times (Getting Cramps?) Continues to Cower, Whimper

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

Patrisse Cullors

How rich that the selectively alert Los Angeles Times this morning spanked the Carson City Clerk for allegedly disparaging remarks about blacks, but it has steadfastly refused to editorialize against the raving, work-allergic racists in the Black Punks Matter movement for their criminal behavior last week at a prominent black church. The cowardly newspaper fears retaliation against their premises by … Read More

City Manager’s Bi-Weekly Update to the Community

John NachbarNewsLeave a Comment

Culver City
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

City Clerk’s Office Asian World Film Festival – Now under way Downtown at the ArcLight Cinemas through Monday, it is open to the public. Students will be admitted free. www.asianworldfilmfest.org.   Community Department Dept. Hayden Tract – Economic Development staff met with a large production company in the Hayden Tract to discuss parking operations and issues in the area.  The … Read More

Doggone. No, Dogs Aren’t Gone. Vets Are

Robert L. RosebrockOP-EDLeave a Comment

At least he is not homeless. Photo: Unknown

Letter dated Oct. 27, 2015 to Vincent Kane, Special Assistant to Secretary Robert A. McDonald, Dept. of Veterans Affairs.  Good morning, Mr. Kane: You were brought to Los Angeles by the Secretary of the VA under the auspices of being an expert on Veteran homelessness. You are anything but that. Everything has been a failure, including stealing the good ideas we have presented. … Read More

Is There Something Crooked About This?

Brian HewsNewsLeave a Comment

Carol Chen. Photo: Los Cerritos News

Voters going to the polls next Tuesday to the School Board of the ABC Unified School District should think twice. They might question the judgment of  candidates Greg Uttrecht and Latha Vasam, who solicited and are using the endorsement, and money, of Cerritos Mayor Carol Chen and her loyal followers. Hews Media Group-Community News has obtained documents from the County … Read More

In Memory of Uncle Syd

Dr. Janet HoultA&ELeave a Comment

[Editor’s Note: Dr. Hoult read this tribute to Culver City’s late legendary director of Parks and Recreation at last evening’s City Council meeting.]    Our city has lost a giant A man who gave us his all And who would that be I hear you say? Why none other than Syd Kronenthal Uncle Syd loved his job in our city … Read More

A New Turn in Dear Recall Election

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Mr. Dear. Photo: Compton Herald

Dateline Carson – Basil Kimbrew, a classmate of controversial Carson City Clerk Jim Dear at Gardena High School in the 1970s, sent out an urgent email at midnight: “Just a note to all the hard working volunteers: We are turning in 12,300 raw signatures for the recall of Jim Dear today a 10 a.m. at City Hall.” Mr. Kimbrew, who … Read More

7 Advantages for Burke-McVarish

Laura ChardietOP-ED19 Comments

Ms. Burke, Mr. McVarish

Dear Neighbors, Our schools are in a serious state of disrepair, causing safety and health problems for students and staff. Our community responded by passing a $106 million school facilities bond last year. This is a large investment by every homeowner and business in Culver City.  Nothing impacts your property values more than the quality of our schools. We have … Read More