Oh. Baby, Don’t Cry for Me

Alexandra VaillancourtOP-EDLeave a Comment

Dateline Boston — Two-and-a-half years ago, I cared for my first baby. I was so scared of little Theo, I didn’t even touch him until he was eight weeks old. At least, that’s my memory of it. Dad told me that we have a picture of me holding Theo at three weeks. I looked at the old photos. He was … Read More

How Does Gov. Steyer Sound?

Thomas D. EliasOP-EDLeave a Comment

Ms. Swearengin. Photo: Fresno Mayor’s Office

Just over one year from today, Californians will be focused on helping elect the next president and picking their next U.S. senator. That so-far-sedate race looks as if it will boil down to either Democrat state Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris or Democratic Orange County U. S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez against a Republican, take your pick among  state Assemblyman Rocky Chavez … Read More

Kent’s Idealism Excites Me, Says Goldberg

Nancy GoldbergOP-ED13 Comments

Kelly Kent

Re: “Deconstructing Kent’s ‘Misinformation’ Case”  When the political arena provides issues for discussion, we term it a healthy give-and-take. When there are too few debatable issues, other weapons are employed.  Character assassination and indignant assertion are the most common of these weapons. It would appear that the ad hominem attack, commonly termed character assassination, was at work yesterday in Laura … Read More

How N.Y. Times Punishes Traitorous Blacks

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

Dr. Ben Carson. Photo: Lloyd Fox, Baltimore Sun

By fistily controlling the flow of all but a speck of paths of media information to the public, liberals need never apologize for racist views. In the tradition of Hillary Clinton, The New York Times, the journalistic equivalent of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his bodybuilding heyday, can dance anywhere it wants on the planet and lie about its overtly racist editorial … Read More

In My Seventies…

Dr. Janet HoultA&E1 Comment

Dr. Janet Hoult

Here I am at seventy-one … Don’t feel much like a son of a gun. I’ve lots of P, but not much V Don’t think I’ll head out on a spree.   Here I am at seventy-two… Rarin’ to go, I’m tellin’ you. Had another knee replacement Ready to dance all over the pavement.   Here I am at seventy-three… … Read More

When Is a Flag Illegal?

Ted HayesOP-EDLeave a Comment

VA officers performing their duty?

Under the apparent orders of top VA officials, VA police issued a deceptive arrest citation and confiscated the American flags of Veterans’ whistleblower Bob Rosebrock at the Old Veterans Guard’s 397th consecutive Sunday Rally three days agp to “Save Our Veterans Land” and to “Bring Our Homeless Veterans Home.” Every Sunday since Memorial Day, Mr. Rosebrock, a 73-year old Vietnam … Read More

K. Silbiger Welcomes New Election Law

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Karlo Silbiger. Photo: Patch.com

While City Hall today remains uncertain whether a punitive new state law that would combine school board and government elections applies to Culver City because of its charter city designation, political activist Karlo Silbiger is jubilant about the change. “This is going to affect Culver City very, very closely,” Mr. Silbiger told fellow members of the Culver City Democratic Club … Read More

Dr. Kent, Scientist, Understands Importance of Arts

Zivia Munoz-GonzalezOP-EDLeave a Comment

Dr. Kent, left, with Karriann Farreell Hinds, officer with the National Women’s Political Caucus, which endorsed Dr. Kent’s candidacy.

I want to share my enthusiastic support for Kelly Kent for School Board in Tuesday’s election. We are fortunate to have a candidate who has showed the love and commitment to the education of Lin Howe students and our community. I am both a parent and a Spanish teacher at Lin Howe. I am part of the Spanish enrichment program … Read More

City Clerk’s Lips Stick Together

Hews Media Group - Community NewsNewsLeave a Comment

Montebello City Clerk Daniel Hernandez, right, swears in Councilman Frank Gomez as mayor. Photo: Elizabeth Hsing-Huei Chou

Dateline Montebello — The city of Montebello’s City Clerk is withholding documents requested by Hews Media Group-Community News concerning the campaign finance reports of Mayor Jack Hadjinian and candidate Vanessa Delgado. We called City Clerk Daniel Hernandez on Monday morning requesting the latest campaign documents filed a few days ago. The message was left on Mr. Hernandez’s voicemail. Publisher Brian … Read More

Dear, Can You Recall?

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Dateline Carson – While passion-driven, meticulously motivated organizers yesterday morning were turning in thousands of anti-Jim Dear names in quest of a spring recall election of the city clerk, the handsome, quiet atmosphere of City Hall was eerie. Murmurs hardly spoiled the silence as activists — propelled by chair Basil Kimbrew of the California Friends of the African American Publication … Read More