A Coward, a Disaster – Lacey Must Go

Najee AliOP-EDLeave a Comment

District Attorney Jackie Lacey. Photo: Al Seib / Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey must go. Ms. Lacey has served since Dec. 3, 2012. She stepped into the history books as the first woman and first African-American to serve as district attorney since the office was created in 1850. Unfortunately, her tenure as D.A. has been a failure, marked with cowardice and a disaster for the African-American … Read More

Weissman Question: Will He or Won’t He?

Ari L. NoonanNews4 Comments

When Vice Mayor Andy Weissman steps down from the City Council in April – because of term limits after serving two terms – some denizens of City Hall say it will seem like a father leaving home. City Hall without Mr. Weissman, the patriarch, the wise man of the City Council who, in his mid-60s, is at the peak of … Read More

‘If You Wonder Where We Have Been’

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Dave LaRose

First in a series.  When Dave LaRose, superintendent of the School District, is in the room, you affix roller skates to both ears and listen fast. In Bond Measure Land across Culver City, the volume is turned to Hushed. What was supposed to have been a busy, noisy summer of project work was so quiet you could have heard a … Read More

Teachers Union Will Back Burke and Kent

David MielkeOP-EDLeave a Comment

Kelly Kent

[Editor’s Note: The next candidates’ forum for the three contenders in the Nov. 3 School Board election will be this evening. The League of Women Voters, led by Frances Talbott White, will question Anne Burke, Prof. Kelly Kent and Scott McVarish at 7 o’clock in Council Chambers. Julie Lugo Cerra, city historian and former Board member, will serve as moderator.]  … Read More