Dear Scalded By Internal Carson Probe

The Daily BreezeOP-EDLeave a Comment

Mr. Dear

[Editor’s Note: The following report was relayed by Basil Kimbrew of the California Friends of African American publication.]  Carson City Clerk Jim Dear has created such a hostile work environment at City Hall with racist comments, angry outbursts and employee spying that city operations are now crippled, according to an investigative report obtained by the Los Angeles News Group. Three months … Read More

LaRose Is Figuring Out Where to Start

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Dave LaRose

Second in a series.  Re: “‘If You Wonder Where We Have Been’” Resuming his discussion of the wall full of routinely obscure, complex reasons there is barely evidence of the $107 million school improvements bond passed 16 months ago, School District Supt. Dave LaRose said that “we are trying to articulate and define dual tracks. “One track is,‘What are some … Read More

An Early Vote for Burke-McVarish

Jamie WallaceOP-EDLeave a Comment

Ms. Burke, Mr. McVarish

[Editor’s Note: On Sunday morning at 10:30, Madeline and Paul Ehrlich, Britta and Goran Eriksson will host a meet ‘n greet to support the School Board candidates Anne Burke and Scott McVarish. It will be at the Ehrlich home, 11472 Diller Ave.]  Anne Burke and Scott McVarish will make excellent additions to the School Board after next month’s election. Our current … Read More

Strategy for Resolving a Lifetime Problem

Nicholas PollakOP-EDLeave a Comment

A 64-year-old retired gentleman told me that as a child, his parents were constantly arguing. It affected him so profoundly that he still suffers pain all over his body, constant panic, anxiety and fear. It was obvious his problems stemmed from childhood. He has been to every medical doctor he could find. All told him they cannot find any physical … Read More

Wrong Way to Solve Domestic Abuse

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

I must have accidentally picked up the We Are Not Really Serious edition of the Los Angeles Times on Sunday. The lead editorial, “L.A.’s domestic abuse problem,” looked muscular at a glance, and a glance always is the best strategy for digesting opinion pieces in the Times. Only theoretically interested in resolutions, liberals’ first duty is to paint the surface … Read More

Happy Birthday, Baby

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment


Dear Readers,  Please accept this apology for having written so frequently about my wife in the 52 days since she died. Yesterday would have been Diane’s 70th birthday. And it was the morning of the yearly ALS Walkathon in Ventura, which we participated in last year. It was a warm, sunny Sunday morning by the ocean, conditions reflective of our … Read More

Policing in the ‘50s – Compared to Today

Joy JacobsOP-EDLeave a Comment

Chief Bixby and Capt. Iizuka

The Culver City Historical Society will honor two veterans of the Police Dept. at its fall general membership meeting, Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 7 o’clock in the Multipurpose Room at the Vets Auditorium. The program will feature Chief of Police Scott Bixby and Capt. Ron Iizuka. They will speak about today’s police department and offer a PowerPoint presentation about its … Read More

Poem for a Dad

Austin AstrupOP-EDLeave a Comment

Father and son in earlier, happier times.

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Astrup is a 10th grader at Crossroads School, Santa Monica.]  I know that my Aunt Madeline (Ehrlich) has told you about a poem I wrote back in April, two months after my dad committed suicide. This tragedy has changed my life in many ways. Since this time, with support from family, friends and through therapy, I am … Read More

Proven Methods That Tame Rampant Violence

Marqueece Harris-DawsonOP-EDLeave a Comment

Mr. Harris-Dawson

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Harris Dawson is in his first months as a member of the Los Angeles City Council, representing District 8, neighborhoods of South Los Angeles.]  We have seen this far too often. The tragic death of an innocent young black male whose life was taken too soon at the hands of an ill-timed police shooting, eliciting a mass … Read More

What Is Proper Way to Treat a Modern Beggar?

Dr. Rosemary H. CohenOP-EDLeave a Comment

A young woman kneeling in the Champs Elysees, Paris.

Wherever I travel, I pay attention to the beggars in the streets. It shows the mood of the city and the situation of the country. In Armenia, many people are living in poverty. But probably because of the pride for their country and in themselves, there are many fewer beggars in the streets than you would expect. On my recent … Read More