Forums Sold Eriksson on Burke-McVarish

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Former School Board member Jessica Beagles-Roos, left, with Anne Burke and Scott McVarish

Göran Eriksson, candidate for the City Council in next April’s election and a co-host of Sunday morning’s meet ‘n greet for two School Board candidates, talked about how he reached a decision to back the team of Anne Burke and Scott McVarish. Standing quietly in the kitchen of the Paul and Madeline Ehlrich home, site of many meet ‘n greets, … Read More

2 Students Offended – Clemson Enters Tizzy

Peter HassonNewsLeave a Comment

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Hasson is Texas campus correspondent for ]  Clemson University issued an apology to students yesterday after two students were offended by an annual Mexican cuisine event put on by university dining services. Clemson Dining’s Maximum Mexican Night, has become a student favorite over the last several years, and this year was no different, at first Everything … Read More

Tireless Terrorists Never Rest

ShacharOP-EDLeave a Comment

When 31-year-old Israeli father of five was killed by terrorists, one son could not bear to lose him. Photo: Avishag Shaar Yashuv/FLASH90

Dateline Jerusalem — This week on Shemini Atzeret, the Jewish holiday at the end of the weeklong Sukkot holiday, Jews throughout the world prayed for rain.  In less than 48 hours the blue skies in Israel opened up with downpours.  G-d heard our voices.  Across Israel now we are praying that the violence perpetrated by Israeli Arabs and Palestinians —  using … Read More

Tomorrow Morning – My 100th Day in Office

Marqueece Harris-DawsonNewsLeave a Comment

Councilman Harris-Dawson

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Harris-Dawson succeeded termed-out Bernard Parks last spring as Los Angeles City Councilman for District 8.]  We are just hours away from my 100th Day on the Los Angeles City Council Community Celebration! Doors open to the community event at Crenshaw High School tomorrow at 11a.m. sharp. We will have food vendors, entertainment, a resource fair and tons … Read More

Why I Am Compelled to Vote for Dr. Kelly Kent

Shea CunninghamOP-ED8 Comments

Dr. Kent

Dr. Kelly Kent, a candidate in the Nov. 3 School Board election, exudes intelligence, ingenuity and integrity. She is an incredibly positive force of nature, brimming with creative ideas and love for our community. One can’t help but adore and be in awe of this woman. Hands-on mom of two, Dr. Kelly holds a Ph.D. in neuroscience, is founder and director of a reputable … Read More

Kent Helped Ehrlichs Make up Their Minds

Paul & Madeline EhrlichOP-ED3 Comments

Board candidate Anne Burke, with City Councilman Jim Clarke, who has endorsed the Burke-Scott McVarish team.

[Editor’s Note: On Sunday morning at 10:30, Madeline and Paul Ehrlich, Britta and Goran Eriksson will host a meet ‘n greet to support the School Board candidates Anne Burke and Scott McVarish. It will be at the Ehrlich home, 11472 Diller Ave.]  Fellow taxpayers, we attended the School Board candidates’ forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters at City Hall. … Read More

Disjointed Breathing Room Suffocates Its Good Ideas

Frédérik SisaA&ELeave a Comment

Mary Lou Newmark, Charles Reese, and Eileen T'Kaye in Breathing Room. Photo: Ed Krieger

Review of Breathing Room, on stage at the Greenway Court Theatre.  I can appreciate an avant-garde piece as much as the next open-minded traditionalist, except when it feels like a strained, even failing, rearguard action to unify fragmentary ideas into a cohesive whole. The point of Breathing Room is well-taken: A call for reconnecting with nature as an antidote to … Read More

Ready? Set? Charge. McVarish Fires Back

Ari L. NoonanNews3 Comments

Mr. McVarish

First in a series.  Probably for the first time since the School Board election campaign raced a turtle to the starting line in early August – and barely won – one candidate is going to make voters sit up straight when they digest his provocative observations. First, though, Scott McVarish opened gently. He reviewed how he and (election) partner Anne … Read More

Watch What I Do with My Junk Food

Robert EbsenOP-EDLeave a Comment


This evening, while watching Law & Order SVU, I ate four caramel scones, a bunch of caramel pretzels and almond milk.  I am angry with myself. I rarely eat junk like that at night.  Or during the day. In fact, I eat healthily. What is happening? Perhaps it is a little stress in my life.  But I’d rather not go … Read More

Antonovich Can’t Recall, Walsh & Where? Says

John Q. WalshOP-EDLeave a Comment

Mr. Antonovich. Photo: Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times

Do the MSM and the news blogosphere honestly believe that it is politically correct to look the other way? The halls of L.A. County HQ and nearby City Hall are buzzing. It’s about accounts of senior citizen Mike Antonovich, L.A. County Republican Mayor, and his newly-acquired habit of serious on-the-job memory loss. So huge that it should warrant his immediate … Read More