I Am Staying Positive, Kent Says to Critics

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

With three weeks to go until the Nov. 3 School Board election, a pillow-soft, criticism-free, campaign by all three candidates has started to toughen. Scott McVarish has charged followers of Prof. Kelly Kent with acting “hysterically,” and he has suggested Prof. Kent is interested in “micromanaging” the assistant superintendent of the School District in charge of education services, Dr. Kati … Read More

Mehaul Salutes Kent’s Campaign

Joanne BrodyNews1 Comment

Kelly Kent

Prof. Kelly Kent, running for one of two available seats on the School Board, today reported five recent endorsements:  Mayor Mehaul O’Leary, School Board President Nancy Goldberg, the Teachers Union, the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, and the National Women’s Political Caucus, L.A. Westside, which boosted their support with a $500 contribution towards Dr. Kent’s campaign. These endorsements complement nods Dr, Kent has won from the … Read More

Trees at the Mercy of the Merciless?

John SchwadaNewsLeave a Comment

Mr. Bonin. Photo: Mae Ryan / KPCC

While hiking a dusty trail through Sullivan Canyon, actress Barbara Williams pointed out to a visitor dozens of felled trees that once shaded the canyon slopes. These were the first victims of a 12.5-acre development project slated to level hills and destroy a local ecosystem in bucolic Sullivan Canyon. Ms. Williams, wife of activist and former state Sen. Tom Hayden, … Read More

Biggest Problem for Latinos – and Us

Thomas D. EliasOP-EDLeave a Comment

Graphic: http://unitedfrontmn.org/

List California’s biggest problems and water immediately comes up, followed by public employee pension obligations, voter distrust for government and childhood poverty, which runs higher here than almost anywhere else. The biggest problem this state faces as it looks to the future may be the fate of the children belonging to its single largest ethnic group. Latinos may have surpassed … Read More

Like Magnets, Opposites Attract…But…

Nicholas PollakOP-EDLeave a Comment

Quite a few clients are experiencing depression because their relationships are falling apart. They do not understand what happened. They blame their partner. They will not accept responsibility for their part. Opposites, as you know, attract. Those very opposites can cause a relationship to break apart. For example: Joan loves that her boyfriend works hard and earns an excellent income.  … Read More

Time for Veterans to Raise Kane

Robert L. RosebrockOP-EDLeave a Comment

Mr. Kane at Skid Row event, downtown, last month. Photo: veteranstoday.com

(See pdf of Homelessness Strategy Action Plan.)  Oct. 12, 2015  Vincent Kane  Special Assistant to Secretary Robert A. McDonald  Dept. of Veterans Affairs  Good morning, Mr. Kane: In in the very first paragraph — 1. Objective — of the signed copy we were given of the Jan. 28, 2015, “Principles for a Partnership and Framework for Settlement By and Between the U.S. Dept. of Veterans … Read More

Flag Footballers Are Undefeated

Scott ZeidmanSportsLeave a Comment

Photo: wkbn.com

The Culver City Middle School sixth grade flag football Panthers easily defeated visiting Mark Parent Middle School of Inglewood 33-13 on Friday, improving to 3-0. This much-anticipated matchup turned into a romp shortly after the game started. The outcome never was in question. Panther safety William Schultz intercepted a Parent pass on the first play of the game, taking the … Read More

Walk at Vets Park with a Doc

Grace ElliotNewsLeave a Comment

Sarah Carpenter, MD, and Jeff Penso, MD, will lead discussions of wellness and prevention of health problems at Saturday morning’s monthly Walk with a Doc Culver City, 8:45, at Vets Park. Warmup and stretching with personal trainer, Brandon Webb precedes the walk. According to the American Heart Assn., walking has the lowest dropout rate of any physical activity. Think it doesn’t do … Read More

What Happens When Beggars Organize?

Dr. Rosemary H. CohenOP-EDLeave a Comment

Photo: 965malls.com

Re: “What Is Proper Way to Treat a Modern Beggar?”  As I said last week, wherever I travel, I pay attention to the beggars in the streets. They show the mood of the city and the situation in the country. Besides the unusual, presumably destitute, girl I noticed this past summer when I visited Paris, as mentioned last time, three … Read More

McVarish Hits at Kent’s ‘Micromanaging’

Ari L. NoonanNews3 Comments

Obviously, campaign manager Laura Chardiet and candidate Scott McVarish had a good time yesterday at the meet ‘n greet.

Second in a series.  Re: “Ready? Set? Charge. McVarish Fires Back” Scott McVarish says he and his School Board candidate teammate Anne Burke speak at least five times a day to synchronize their campaign strategies and exchange their experiences. “Nothing happens,” he said, speaking in the third person, “unless Laura Chardiet (their manager), Anne Burke and Scott McVarish agree.” There … Read More