Kelly, Anne, Scott – Advantage to Whom?

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Dr. Kent

Unlike previous School Board elections in this century, no pop favorite has emerged, and no one is stamping Prof. Kelly Kent or Anne Burke or her teammate Scott McVarish as likely to win one of the two open seats that will be decided Tuesday night. The reason: By running as an entry, Burke-McVarish have jilted the odds, tilted the pinball … Read More

Amateur Marathon Swimmer Reaches 10 Miles

Anne ArtleyNews1 Comment

Ms. Hopson at her latest race, Swim the Suck, in Tennessee on Oct. 10, posing with her kayaker Michelle. Kayak pilots guided and fed the swimmers through the race.

[Editor’s Note: Ms. Artley says Southern California Aquatics holds organized, coached workouts for swimmers of all levels. In November, it will host special sessions for those interested in marathon swimming next summer. They are open to all levels.]  While Stephanie Hopson was swimming laps at the Santa Monica Swim Center, she used to watch the adult Masters swim team a … Read More

Will Homecoming Be a Winner for Centaurs?

Steve FinleySports3 Comments

Entire Chabola clan at Jerry Chabola Stadium

With additional reporting by George Laase.  A week after moving closer to the CIF playoffs, Friday night lights will be in full effect tonight at 7 when the Culver City High School football team plays Hawthorne Cougars inside the Jerry Chabola Stadium on the Culver City hi on campus. Culver City is 4-4 overall and 1-2 in the Ocean league. … Read More

Like a Dear in the Headlights, or Spotlights

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Jim Dear. Photo: Los Angeles Times

How is Jim Dear, the controversial city clerk of Carson, holding up under the very public glare of racism charges that practically have narrowed his job to observation status in the first year of his four-year term? “I have my hands full with all of this baloney that is going on,” he tells the newspaper. Summoning traditional logic, he wonders … Read More

Weather Thou Goest, I Shall Blow Away

ShacharOP-EDLeave a Comment

Israeli beach and windy weather. Photo: Shutterstock

Dateline Jerusalem — I used to live in a wind tunnel, or so it seemed, in the high desert of California.  Howling winds and dust storms were so common I sometimes found it difficult to fall asleep without their roar.  Once when sitting in my sukkah (a temporary hut or booth) with family and friends for a festive meal during the holiday … Read More

I Forget if I Remember Your Name

Robert EbsenOP-EDLeave a Comment

I have been learning the names of the people at my mom’s new retirement home.  I remember a name by associating it with an object or famous person. I recently met Charlotte.  I picture Charlotte the spider crawling on Charlotte’s shoulder. Yesterday I ate lunch with my mom and a woman named Audrey.  I think of her as an older … Read More

Lady Centaurs Face Familiar Dilemma

Steve FinleySportsLeave a Comment

The Culver City High School girls volleyball team faces the same dilemma as the football team. To make the CIF playoffs, the Lady Centaurs must win their remaining three regular season games and El Segundo needs to lose once. Culver City and El Segundo have been tied for second place in the Ocean League with 5-2 records. Culver City is … Read More

A Halloween Musical This Evening

Dr. Tony SpanoA&ELeave a Comment

Musical tricks and treats are in store this evening at 7 for the Halloween-themed fall concert of the Academy of Visual and Performing Arts Music Dept. at the Robert Frost Auditorium on the campus of Culver City High School. Admission is free to the family-friendly program. The concert will feature Halloween-inspired music plus a pre-concert treat activity for youngsters who … Read More

Meghan, Lonely Cheerleader for Blended Elections

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Ms. Sahli-Wells is flanked by School Board candidate Dr. Kelly Kent, left, and Patricia Garcia of the National Women’s Political Caucus

First in a series.  City Atty. Carol Schwab said this morning she expects to render an opinion by the middle of next week on whether Culver City, a charter city, should be exempted from a new state law that would combine local elections in communities where voter turnout is low. “Absolutely,” Ms. Sahli-Wells said in response to the almost rhetorical … Read More

Hadjinian Involved in Greasy Money Gift?

Brian HewsNewsLeave a Comment

Mayor Hadjinian

A Hews Media Group-Community News investigation has revealed that Protect Local Jobs, a political action committee based out of Los Angeles that is spending thousands to defeat Montebello City Council candidate Fernando Chacon, received $10,000 from a company owned by Jason Kashanian. Mr. Kashanian, a.k.a. Jason Kachan, is the son of Sam Kashanian, a good friend and business associate of … Read More