Betty Gutierrez, 78

Mike CohenNews1 Comment

Betty Gutierrez

A longstanding resident of Culver City, where she raised five children on Wagner Street in the Vets Park neighborhood, Betty Gutierrez died fittingly on Mother’s Day, peacefully with her family by her side. She was 78. Ms. Gutierrez was her children’s biggest supporter, often seen with her cowbell and cheering loudly at their sporting events. She was a loving grandmother … Read More

Will Residents Voluntarily Obey Drought Rules?

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment


Second in a series.  Re: “Herbertson Outlines City Water-Saving Concepts”  Even after rolling waves of drought-centric pronouncements from Sacramento and elsewhere, there still is not desirable clarity on precisely how the four-year-old drought will affect the pocketbooks of Californians. “Eventually, everybody is going to feel it in one sense or another,” says Public Works director Charles Herbertson. “As things get … Read More

Why Culver City Boasts Terrific Schools

Scott McVarishNewsLeave a Comment

Scott McVarish

[Editor’s Note: First in a series of interviews Scott McVarish, a parent, is conducting with leaders in the School District for his project “For Great Schools. Mr. McVarish’s entire interview can be seen at ] We have very good schools here in Culver City. “For Great Schools” seeks to collect the best ideas and visions to make our schools even … Read More

My Name Is…Well, It Used To Be

Dr. Janet HoultOP-EDLeave a Comment

I appreciate seeing that you published my emails to the City Council and to Marla Koosed, chair of the Cultural Affairs Commission, regarding the eventual selection of a poet laureate for Culver City. Out of curiosity, I decided to Google Bernadene Coleman (the only other contender mentioned so far for poet laureate) and then myself as Janet Cameron Hoult. There … Read More

Central Basin’s Apodaca Fingered in Calderon Corruption Probe

Brian HewsNewsLeave a Comment

Central Basin director Bob Apodaca, left, makes a presentation to the city of Whittier.

An investigation by Hews Media Group- Community News has identified Central Basin Municipal Water District president Bob Apodaca as the “elected public official at a local agency” cited in the corruption case of state Sen. Ron Calderon. Mr. Apodaca served on Sen. Calderon’s staff in 2007 and 2008. Several sources are “100 percent sure” Mr. Apodaca is the elected public … Read More

Loretta Sanchez Changes Calculus of Kamala’s Senate Bid

Thomas D. EliasOP-EDLeave a Comment

Rep. Loretta Sanchez. Photo: Associated Press

Democrats in Congress never will say so publicly. They know, though, they have little or no hope of taking back control of the House of Representatives until 2022 at the earliest. That is because gerrymandering in states like Texas and Georgia and North Carolina has concentrated the many Democratic voters in those places into just a few congressional districts, leaving all … Read More

Disgraceful Behavior by Israeli Left

ShacharOP-EDLeave a Comment

Benjamin Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman at a cabinet meeting. Photo by Emil Salman

Dateline Jerusalem — Are politics the same all over the world?  In Israel, the entire country gets involved. In the past, regardless of political affiliation, everyone pulled together for the good of the country. Not so anymore. This has been an election of right vs. left, religious vs. non-religious, inflated egos and sour grapes. This is just from politicians within … Read More

Poet Laureate Candidate Campaign Is Heating up

Dr. Janet HoultOP-EDLeave a Comment

I thought you might be interested in my notes to Marla Koosed, Chair of the Cultural Affairs Commission, and the City Council. The recognition by the City Council of the need for a post of poet laureate is a step in the right direction.  The next step should be to add Literary Arts to the Municipal Code describing the powers … Read More

CIF Next After Centaurs Win Three Titles at League Track Meet

Steve FinleySportsLeave a Comment

Cold weather, rain and wind could not stop Culver City High School’s determined track and field teams last Thursday night at the Ocean League finals at Lawndale High School. The Centaurs supplied their own thunder and lightning, capturing three championships out of four divisions. The girls varsity, girls freshmen/sophomore and the boys freshmen/sophomore teams won their divisions,  and the boys … Read More

Do I Have an Old Story for You

Robert EbsenOP-EDLeave a Comment

The world's oldest person Jiroemon Kimura celebrates his 116th birthday at his house in Kyotango city in kyoto prefecture, Japan Photo: AFP/Getty Images

You have heard of hardening of the arteries?  I think I have hardening of the brain. Like this afternoon when I was on the phone with a woman who was helping me to register online for a class at the local community college. I was going a bit nuts trying to follow her directions. So, I admit that I am: … Read More