Mayor Brown Off to White House to Talk Body Cams

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

At the White House in January, Mayor Brown rises to make a suggestion to President Obama.

Dateline Hawthorne – Mayor Chris Brown will make his third trip to the White House late next week, and for the second time he will be pleading with President Obama to support, if not supply, body cameras for every police department in the nation – to avoid future Fergusons, Staten Islands, Baltimores and South Carolinas. Hawthorne officers were outfitted – … Read More

Flagship Child Protection Win for Bass

Dan RothNewsLeave a Comment

Ms. Karen Bass

Dateline Washington – In a significant victory for U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Culver City/Los Angeles), he House of Representatives today unanimously passed the “Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act.” Ending human trafficking long has been a favorite cause of Ms. Bass’s, and this omnibus trafficking bill incorporates several bipartisan trafficking bills, including language from Ms. Bass. This legislation enhances the … Read More

Disabilities Act – A Day for Celebration

Darren UhlNewsLeave a Comment

July will mark the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, landmark legislation signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. The ADA ushered in civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities. It assured equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities for access to businesses, employment, transportation, government programs and services, and telecommunications. On Sunday, June 14, at the Senior … Read More

Tabbing Next Improvements for Schools

Scott McVarishNewsLeave a Comment

Scott McVarish at the controls

[Editor’s Note: Second day in a series of interviews Scott McVarish, a parent, is conducting with leaders in the School District for his project “For Great Schools.” Mr. McVarish’s entire interview can be seen at ] The second half of Mr. McVarish’s interview with School Board member Steve Levin. Mr. McVarish: What is next in terms of improving our high … Read More

Four Magic Number at Budget Hearings

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

This was the size of the crowd at budget hearings…Photo: Getty Images

A sophisticated calculator was not required to tabulate the crowd for yesterday’s opening round of budget hearings in Council Chambers. Four. With almost no pressure to change seats for a closer view, the four persons sat stoically as the Fire Dept., Parks and Recreation Dept., Information Technology Dept., Financial Dept., and Public Works Dept. presented their budgets for the fiscal … Read More

Nachbar Goal: To Invoke, Not Provoke

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

When Mehaul O’Leary succeeded Meghan Sahli-Wells last month as the elected leader of Culver City, John Nachbar, invoker of the Invocation, reflector of the Reflection, did not have to even turn the page. The unflappable city manager listened to the flap a year ago when Ms. Sahli-Wells changed the name of the longstanding religious-sounding Invocation to the secular-sounding Reflection. He … Read More

Council in Groucho Masks and Swim Trunks?

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Photo: Marya Zulinova/Press Service of Governor YaNAO

If Jim Clarke could pilot two 16-wheelers simultaneously, he might have driven both of them into Council Chambers for this afternoon’s round of budget hearings to emphasize the Stephanopoulos -sized crowd – since he is in the news and the budget may not be. No one was expected to be turned away, that is if any member of the public … Read More

Why the Man from Cancun Was Laughing

Nicholas PollakOP-EDLeave a Comment

Photo: Terrance B

People tend to think that hypnosis is a way someone takes over their minds, makes them do whatever they are asked. Movies, novels and hypnotism shows perpetuate this false notion. Once when I was in Cancun on vacation talking to a resident about hypnosis. He just laughed.  He and millions of Mexicans just had watched one of their famous singers … Read More

Shakespeare, Made Fun for Young Ones on the Margins

Jane DonaldsonA&ELeave a Comment

Shakespeare. Engraving after Martin Droeshout from the Johnson/Steevens 1787 2nd edition of the plays. Public domain image. (Wikimedia Commons.)

It has been 30 years since City Hearts: Kids Say Yes to the Arts began working with Los Angeles County’s most impoverished children. Over the years, the organization has transformed 35,000 young lives through innovative programs in photography, dance and theater. The annual Shakespeare Challenge, where children ages 5 to 18 challenge themselves and perform various Shakespeare monologues and scenes … Read More

Eliminating Signage Opened New Doors, Says the Mayor

Ari L. NoonanNews1 Comment

Entry to Downtown parking garage. Photo:

The new leader of Culver City may have been one of its few residents who held neutral feelings about the crackling flap over presumed gaudy signage that allegedly would have accompanied the economic sprucing up of a mixed neighborhood at the south end of the community. Mayor Mehaul O’Leary said that fellow City Councilman Jeff Cooper’s suggestion at the outset … Read More