Me? I Call Them Criminals

Robert EbsenOP-EDLeave a Comment

Photo: Chris Dunn, Daity Record/Sunday News

As I arrived at the nearby intersection this morning, the cars perpendicular to my path were lined up at the red light.  I was waiting for a break in the traffic to make a right turn. A car passed me on the left.  He appeared to need to make a left turn.  A driver who was lined up at the … Read More

Herbertson Outlines City Water-Saving Concepts

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

In response to Gov. Brown’s water conservation directives, City Hall officials are sitting down at a planning table to organize strategy for themselves and for the community. Public Works Director Charles Herbertson said his department has met with Parks and Recreation Dept. leaders “to put together a water conservation plan for the city.” City Manager John Nachbar is proposing to … Read More

I Say, Ol’ Chap, Off to London This Summer

Michelle Long-CoffeeNewsLeave a Comment

Welcome to London Tower. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Students who take English 101 at West Los Angeles College this summer will have the opportunity to spend two weeks in London. They will be soaking up the culture they studied in class through the works of Virginia Woolf, Shakespeare, T.S. Eliot, and others. Enrollment is open to students from other community colleges, universities, and new students as well. The … Read More

Spike in Foreign Students and Anti-Semitism a Coincidence?

Thomas D. EliasOP-EDLeave a Comment

Swastika at UC Davis

There is no doubt dependence on the higher tuition paid by out-of-state and foreign students has become established policy at the University of California. Some believe this may be leading to the unintended consequence of an upsurge of anti-Semitism on campuses like Berkeley, Davis, UCLA and Riverside. The university says no. “I don’t think there’s any link,” maintains Dianne Klein, … Read More

Ex-Centaur Moniz Almost Brings UCLA Home a Winner

Steve FinleySportsLeave a Comment

Former Centaur Jonny Moniz breezes past a Trojan in 1600 meters. Photo: Jevone Moore

USC hosted UCLA’s track and field team last Saturday in a classic battle where the Trojans won both the men’s and women’s meets. Meanwhile Jonny Moniz, a former Culver City High School runner, helped the Bruins almost score an upset. The  meet came down to the final event, the 1600 meter relay. On the first leg. USC pulled slightly ahead. On … Read More

Happy Birthday – to Both of Us

Mike HennesseyOP-EDLeave a Comment

Dateline Dayton – To celebrate Pauline’s birthday, which was April 3, and mine, last Monday, we attended Lacomedia Dinner Theatre the other evening. It was a great outing, exceptional food, and the production of “South Pacific” was well done. We saw a stage production of South Pacific years ago at Memorial Hall back when you were able to enjoy summer … Read More

Darla Pulliam, Preschool Teacher of Year – Second Time

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Darla Pulliam

Darla Pulliam, a 27-year veteran of the School District and the Office of Child Development, this morning was named one of five winners of the Los Angeles County Preschool Teacher of the Year award by Los Angeles Universal Preschool. Winners hail from each of Los Angeles County’s five supervisorial districts. They are judged to have provided to excellent learning environments … Read More

Eriksson First to Declare for City Council in ‘16

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Göran Eriksson

If he wanted to be the first, he is, by plenty. Eleven months out from election day, international businessman/financial expert Göran Eriksson this morning announced he will compete for one of three available seats on the City Council next April. He told the newspaper he did not set out to be the first candidate to go public. Logic dictated the … Read More

Keeping Alive a Child’s Sense of Wonder

Alexandra VaillancourtOP-EDLeave a Comment

Dateline Boston — Recently I took a couple of kids to the local toy store so they could each pick out a treat. We walked around for awhile, admiring this and that, and eventually came to the checkout counter, where there were several smaller items for sale. One was a box with a mystery character inside. How cool! It was … Read More

Cruisin’ into Saturday’s Car Show

John CohenA&ELeave a Comment

To mark Herman and Lilly Munster’s 50th anniversary on the small screen, Saturday’s edition of Culver City’s 12th annual Downtown car show, “Cruisin’ Back to the ‘50s,” will celebrate the iconic television sitcom parody with an all- Munsters theme. The six-hour show kicks off at 9 a.m. with musical acts, including the multi-talented Linda Kay, through-out the day. Butch Patrick, … Read More