Billboards – Term Is Irrelevant for Tonight, Weissman Says

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Carl Sagan

With the first discussion in months at hand over economic development in the southeastern part of Culver City, here is a question for environmental aficionados: Will tonight be a NIMBY showdown at Not in My Backyard Corral? For his first-ever City Council meeting as the vice mayor of Culver City, tonight at 7 o’clock in Council Chambers, Andy Weissman will … Read More

Dearly Beloved, There Is Good News Tonight

Ari L. NoonanNews2 Comments

If you will forgive the extravagant grammatical casualness, it will be like olden times – oh, so early in 2014 – when shiny new Mayor Mehaul O’Leary makes his maiden voyage as Hizzoner at this evening’s 7 o’clock City Council meeting in Council Chambers. If non-believers will glance to the sky for a flash, it can be disclosed that Mr. … Read More

The Farris Wheel Whirls at Different Pace

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Dr. Dylan Farris

Almost seven months into his new position as executive director of human resources for the El Segundo Unified School District, Dr. Dylan Farris was asked if El Segundo is home base yet? “I definitely am growing into the school district and the community here,” the former Culver City High School principal said the other afternoon. “Hard to compare it to … Read More

Something You Can Count on – Volunteer Bike Counters

Patrick MurrayOP-EDLeave a Comment

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

I volunteer with the Culver City Bike Coalition.  We are conducting the bike and pedestrian count for the city of Culver City. We need volunteers to help with data collection. We hope you can help us get the word out. The Culver City Bicycle Coalition is looking for volunteers to help with the city of Culver City’s Bike and Pedestrian count. The data collected … Read More

Vice Mayor Predicts Council Action on Fox Hills Makeover

Ari L. NoonanNews2 Comments

Photo: Martin Feinberg Realty

Re: “Nachbar Says Continuing Is Council’s Call” When talk began to circulate this morning that the proposed economic makeover in a southern Culver City neighborhood might abruptly end because the funding group has quit the project, Vice Mayor Andy Weissman stiffened his spine and said “no.” Look for him to take a, or perhaps the, leading role in Monday evening’s 7 … Read More

Walsh and Where: Hollywood Presbyterian Church, That’s Where

John Q. WalshOP-EDLeave a Comment

Attorney Robert Silverstein. Photo by Terry Miller

On Saturday morning at 10 o’clock inside of the Hollywood Presbyterian Church Hall, we promise to hold the  largest NIMBY celebration in recorded history. We shout out in victory: “Not in anybody’s backyard from now on.” Robert Silverstein, the attorney who was victorious in stopping the controversial Millennium project in Hollywood, will speak. The secrets of our success will be … Read More

Nachbar Says Continuing Is Council’s Call

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

City Manager John Nachbar
City Manager John Nachbar

Re: “City’s Report on Carlyle’s Withdrawal from Project”  When the City Hall staff prepared a report for Monday night’s City Council meeting regarding a proposed economic makeover of a Culver City neighborhood after the funding source for the visioning process pulled out, one question was left clouded: Should the project continue? When sources were polled this morning, conclusions were mixed, leaving … Read More

City’s Report on Carlyle’s Departure from Project

A CorrespondentNewsLeave a Comment

[Editor’s Note: Following last week’s pullout of the Carlyle Group, the idea party and funding source of a potential plan to make over a southeastern neighborhood of Culver City, City Hall staffers issued the following report in advance of Monday night’s City Council meeting. Open for interpretation is the question of whether the city is urging the Council to end … Read More

How Do We Know Mayor Was Serious?

Robert L. RosebrockOP-EDLeave a Comment

Eric Garcetti. Photo: ABC Local

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans, How serious is Mayor Garcetti at ending Veteran homeless by the end of the year?  Why the one-day Stand Down for only a few Veterans (see letter below)? The mayor refuses to acknowledge the 96-member Neighborhood Council Coalition’s motion declaring a state of emergency for homeless Veterans in Los Angeles and a call to unify with the VA … Read More

El Marino Closer to Clean Air — Maybe

Ari L. NoonanNews1 Comment

Photo: Walk 'n Rollers

Second in a series. Re: “Levin Tracks the School Bond Projects”  In the spirit of carrying out school bond improvement projects, “I am not the only one,” says School Board member Steve Levin, “but I have been pushing” to complete installation of an air filtration system at El Marino Language School to relieve what is perceived as a longtime health … Read More